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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-18 01:47



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 08:39

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honor to speak here: I am an English teacher.

People often say: Teacher is the engineer of human spirit. Last September, I became a teacher. How to become a real teacher? This is the first difficulty that I come across in my career. At first, I felt so good and fun to stay with so many lovely students, then I integrated with them, and soon, the problem came out. If a teacher can’t set up her dignity in front of the students, it will make the class teaching more difficult. In my lessons, the students often kept on talking, acting, and asking questions. What should I do? I can’t get along with them like this any more. I must be strict with them. Pay more attention to what should be praised, what should be criticized. Any carelessness is not permitted. At last, the class discipline became better.

Nowadays, the importance of learning English is obvious. The world becomes globalization and unify. The association of each country is closer and closer. People call the earth as a global village. English is the first current language in the international world. The communication of politics, economy and culture is upon English. As we know, we will take a beating if we lay behind. How to catch up with the world? That is, study English well to gain the first hand data. The entrance of WTO, the Olympic Games which will be held in 2008, shows that we must learn English well as quickly as possible. Forcing study won’t stay in the heart, feeding knowledge into the brain won’t get a good result, and high mark isn’t our teaching goal. To get a satisfied effect, we should make the students learn on their own initiative. How to make them feel interested in studying English? I think the key point is the teaching design. It must be vivid and vigorous. We can change our study contents into games, performances, competitions and so on. Let them believe English is easy and funny.

As the step of history is advancing, the demand of English teaching is changeable. The junior students are not what we know as before. They have a lot of knowledge, and are good at combining English with other subjects, such as history, geography, physics, chemistry and so on. Their English level is higher than what we thought. Many of them started learning English in their primary school. So English teacher should pursue advanced studies constantly, and master the latest teaching materials and methods to meet today’s demands.

I feel very happy to be an English teacher. I will do my best to teach English well with my knowledge, my patience and my enthusiasm. Make Chinese speak English better, and show their ability and talent in the world stage. I am proud to tell you: I am an English teacher.
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