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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-20 02:23



热心网友 时间:2023-02-20 02:54


My opinion on innovation and entrepreneurship

Do you know this applicationIt’s called Mianliao which is invented by the students in UESTC and it won the first prize in the Internet plus competition in 2015. This app establishes a great platform to shorten the distance between students. Obvouisly, every day, we are surrounded with a large number of new ideas and inventions. There is no doubt that all of us are able to become inventors since we all possess the spirit of innovation.

As the saying goes,you can do everything that you imagine. So what is innovation?As far as I’m concerned, innovation means change. There is a famous saying said by Charles Darwin: It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change. That is to say:Only when we are able to have an entirely brand-new look can the whole society develop. But how to change?The key to changing is to cultivate our innovative thinking which must be the soul of leadership. breaking out the stereotype which is deeply rooted in our mind is of great importance.

Besides,we need take a skeptical attitude and have the courage to criticize everything. It goes without saying that, we are faced with a lot of the so-called authorities and customs which makes it hard to discover the blank to make up in our life. Therefore, we are required to have the skeptical attitude towards the objects around us and scan our current situation.

Of course, creating something new brings the risk and we need to persist our dreams and never forget our initial determination.

With the rapid development of the economy, the government provides the undergraates with a great platform and beneficial policies for innovation and entrepreneurship and there are many opportunities for us. I suppose that entrepreneurship is based on innovation and there are a wide variety forms of entrepreneurship.

Innovation and entrepreneurship play an essential role not only in the undergraates

themselves but also in the development of our society. Firstly, entrepreneurship transforms scientific and technological achievements and boost the economic development. Entrepreneurs can make profits by making full use of the achievements and the GDP will increase with the efficiency increasing. Secondly, it creates much more job opportunities, which release the employment pressure. Thirdly, entrepreneurship offers the undergraate another option of earning money.

Now I’d like to show you

my design of an innovation project. Frankly speaking, it’s just a kind of new idea.

This year I volunteered to take care of some disabled children in the health recovery center. All

the children there are unable to speak and communicate with people freely as normal men. Therefore, I want to design a unique application only used for disabled and help them learn to speak out some simple words. If they get lost or something terrible occurs, their parents will be annouced as soon as posible. Unfortunately, I’m an art literal student and I’m not major in software and technology. So I’m lack of vocational skills to invent this kind of application.

However, I believe that I will make it some day and it will surely give a hand to disabled children.

篇二:大学英语演讲作文 科技创新

21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better.

First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more efficiently.

Also, internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do research. The internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life much easier and better.

The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone. But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenience to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending letters. It is very fast and useful way to communicate.

In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in future.

perhaps, you will change their career, maybe you'll change your status, but whatever oneself forever is the most important.

Change, can make you more harmonious and his colleagues, can make you look more excellent, can make other people to you is very satisfied, can make you more up a level! Change, is the best choice.

A young man came to work in a company, at first he hold all kinds of lofty goals want to do a great business, but then he found; The company all the way up and out, as in his he is like air, invisible, and generally feel it, as does not exist generally...... Various pressures and prompted him to want to dissatisfaction with another company to begin his work, the new journey, but a best friends said to him, "now find a proper job is not easy, why don't you look at yourself, then decide" He embraced the idea of try stayed. Indeed he found, his own performance is not outstanding, the attitude is not friendly to colleagues, to work isn't aggressive enough... Finally he a rude awakening, after that, he became more friendly, active, work hard...... Also no longer as usual go it alone, when he again meet the best friends, the young man has been promoted as a manager.

Change yourself, change is successful state before, try to change their shortcomings, will give you a brilliant!!!!! Once, in near the exam in a week for several times, test, I lost, in the heart a remorseful, feel that they couldn't save good grades, is change reminds me, make me change the learning methods, won the final victory.

Change your, make oneself more outstanding, more perfect, let life shine for change.

篇三:英语演讲传统和创新(tradition and innovation )

Tradition and Innovation

Good morning, my fellow students and dear teachers.

The stories of our fathers and mothers lie in the long tradition, while the future script of our children will be written by innovation.

One nation would not be itself any more if it does not inherit their tradition, which is one of the most important ingredients for the culture of a nation. The influence of tradition on the main stream thoughts is still dominant, but there were good ones as well as bad ones. Tradition is the result of our ancestors’ adaption to environment. Part of tradition still suits nowadays, such as the solar term is the guide of weather. But somehow, tradition will make people shut down their will to take a step forward which may stop the development of the economy. So, our attitude towards tradition should be dialectical, take the essence to its dregs to keep its positive energy.

Innovation is an important power that will help us improve the society in many aspects. First, innovation is the way that people use their intelligence to create new things by breaking the old. Thus, innovation can activate our economy by creating new growth point and new jobs. Second, politics should suit the economy if one country wants to keep its economic growth. Politics should change along with the economy, if politics remain the same, it will have negative effects on the economy, and thus, innovation in politics is needed. Third, I want to talk about my major, Instrial Design, because a lot of things occur to at the first sight of the word “innovation”. Innovation is also needed in improving our daily life. A great example is the Apple Company and its brilliant procts. Design is to proce something new and new means in some way. Einstein said: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” And apple is one of those who make their procts as simple, cheap and functional as they can. You know you’ve achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away.

Tradition is the innovation of the past, and innovation is the new tradition. Innovation is the blast that will bring new towards old. Innovation is the best way for our nation to invest in the future.


篇一:创新创业英文演讲稿 My opinion on innovation and entrepreneurship Do you know this applicationIt’s called Mianliao which is invented by the students in UESTC and it won the first prize in the Internet plus competition in 2015. This app establishes a great platform to shorten the distance...


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