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求美国乡村音乐moonlight flower 的歌词!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-20 01:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 09:11

Written:Michael Cretu/Dylan Cross
Come with me, in the silence of darkness
I want to show you secrets of life
I will guide you where dream couldn't take you
She seldom flew away in the night
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
I have been to the heights of my senses
Feeling the touch of your cares
I have seen magic things of the night skies
Until the sun rises underneath the skies

You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 09:12

Moonlight Flower

Come with me in the silence of darkness
I want to show you secrets of life
I will guide you where dreams could't take you
She seldom flew away in the night

You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night.
When you call I'll follow.
We'll leave on the trip of delight.

I have been to the heights of my senses.
Feeling the touch of your cures,
I have seen the magic things under night skies.
Until the sunrise ended the spell.

You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night.
When you call I'll follow.
We'll leave on the trip of delight.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 09:12

Come with me, in the silence of darkness
I want to show you secrets of life
I will guide you where dream couldn't take you
She seldom flew away in the night
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
I have been to the heights of my senses
Feeling the touch of your cares
I have seen magic things of the night skies
Until the sun rises ended the spell
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night
When you call I'll follow
We will leave on a trip of delight
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