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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-25 15:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:46



  1、What is wind?

  谜底:Air in a hurry

  2、What's a skeleton?

  谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!

  3、Which letter is a drink?


  4、What table is in the field?


  5、Which letter is an animal?


  6、What is an astronomer?

  谜底:A nigh watchman with a college ecation.

  7、Which letter is a question?


  8、What always travels on foot?

  谜底:A shoe

  9、What has teeth but cannot eat?

  谜底:A comb

  10、What kind of dog never bite?

  谜底:A hot dog

  11、Where can milk be best stored?

  谜底:In a cow

  12、Which letter is around an island?


  13、What is dark but made by light?

  谜底:A shadow

  14、Which letter is a part of your face?


  15、What wears a cap but has no head?

  谜底:A bottle

  16、How many letters are in the alphabet?


  17、What is never used until it's broken?

  谜底:An egg

  18、Which letter is a kind of vegetable?


  19、What is the biggest ant in the world?

  谜底:an elephant

  20、What is in the middle of the world?

  谜底:the letter “r”

  21、Where can happiness always be found?

  谜底:In the dictionary

  22、What comes after the letter “A”?

  谜底:All the other letters

  23、What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

  谜底:It never eats.

  24、How many sides does a house have?

  谜底:Two-inside and outside.

  25、What is the smallest room in the world?



  (下面有答案)1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)

  2. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)

  3. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)

  4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)

  5. Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)

  6. Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)

  7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)

  8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)

  9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)

  10. What bird lifts heavy things? (什么鸟能举起重物?)

  11. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is alreadyforty-nine person in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on andboards the ship. The shipsinks. Why? (有一艘船只能容纳50人,现在已有49人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?)

  12. What's the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?)

  13. What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨什么月?)


  1. Silence. (沉默)

  2. No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)

  3. Your age. (你的年龄)

  4. He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)

  5. Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)

  6. It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)

  7. The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)

  8. A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)

  9. They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)

  10. Crane. (鹤。Crane鹤,举重机)

  11. Because is a pigboat. (那是潜水艇。pigboat,潜水艇)

  12.The river bank。(河岸。)

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