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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-25 02:07



热心网友 时间:2023-12-17 12:27

Dream on the front Time autumn, the cold wind howling, the team worked hard to fur stature, sat. A circle of the runway, leaving you lot of sweat. A round of the competition, revealing your information and hope. However, in the starting line kite hope this moment, the eternal time in the communities. That sound of gunfire, you cheer for the clarion call. Bleachers on the voices, the cry is for you flags. In this wave as if Andrew in cheers. Campaign in full swing in the market. Your efforts, we struggle together and build a golden dream. Loved ones and the athletes were lovely, courageous toward hope that's! Because, dream on the front. On the front ... Beyond Limit Perhaps you have to for, but with the success or the applause and flowers pass. Perhaps you tried, and failed, but success is not raging flame combustion. Perhaps you face Gully, hesitant, afraid of, wandering off, too sad, but friends have further delay, do you calm Ponder over, perhaps you will step forward, perhaps it is successful handshake with you? You ask too calmly, perhaps leap This Si Gou is Shengjie dream home? The courage it, it again step forward, beyond the limits of dreams, exceeding their limit, the limit of breaking success! Beyond the limit, better ourselves and to dream of taking off in the direction it.
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