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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-26 13:25



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 12:18

This is a photo shows you the design of a clothes button. You will see, the button is printed as a blue eye ball. When you button up the shirt, the eye ball will be in the position where combines it with the eye rim that printed on the button hole as a picture of a whole deep blue eye. There are two reasons I like about this photo, one reason is that it makes me think of the designer's idea is very clever to create a relation between clothes buttons and its button holes, then makes it a picture of an eye. Imagine that, when you put on this clothes and button it up, you are not just literally buttoning it up, you are making a picture out of it. The second reason is that I think buttons are very usual objects but the designer endowed them with hearts and souls. The design has really brighten up the clothes. Through this photo I have my inspiration: Sometimes, a design is to present an usual thing with a new presenting way to overwhelm the audience.
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