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急救SOS 几篇英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-26 12:12



热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 18:41

Weather Forecast

Today is August 30, 2009, it’s Sunday. How about the weather today?

Generally, it will be a nice day. It’s sunny almost the whole day except the afternoon when it’s a bit cloudy. It’s windy with a wind grade of 3 to 4 which makes people feel comfortable.

The highest temperature is 29 centigrade degrees and the lowest temperature is 22 centigrade degrees in midnight.

It’s a nice day for going out.

I will prepare supper for my family this evening. To make my paretns satisfied, I wnat to cook well and the following is my menu with four dishes and soup:
Course 1: Vegetalbe Salad
Course 2: Stir Fried chicken brest with beans
Course 3: Roasted beef with potato
Course 4: Stir Fried sliced pork with onion
Soup: Tomato soup with egg
I have practise all the dishes above before thus I am confident on that I can be a nice chef today. Furthmore, I prepared mplings which is loved by all of us as main food.

Of all the fruits, apples and watermelons are my favorites.

Apples are round and normally red. They taste sweet. A good apple shoule be well shaped, clean and hard. Apples are not only delicious but also nutritious. Most people like apples. A proverb says, ‘An apple everyday keeps doctor away’.

Can you imagine that in a hot summer day, what your feeling will be when you put a piece of watermelon into your mouth. It’s amazing, isnt it? Yes, watermelon is the best choice in summer. It’s round as well, but compared with apple, much larger. It tastes sweet too and it’s juicy. When you feel thirsty, just have a piece of watermelon.

Mid-autumn festival is the most important festival but Spring Festival in China. The traditional food for this festival is mooncake.

Usually, a mooncake is round. But nowdays, other mooncakes appear, with different shpaes such as squared, tri-angled and heart-shaped.
Mooncakes may have different stuffing. Some have meat inside while some others have egg yolk inside. Different people like different stuffing.

Because mooncakes are festival food, they often have beautiful wrapping. People send mooncakes in boxes to their friends and relatives as presents.

I like sweet mooncakes with fruit stuffing.

Tony, one of my best American friends, visits me today. He want to spend today with me and ask me to arrange the trip.

In the morning, we will go to the park near my home. It’s a beautiful park and I often go there for amusement.

I will treat him lunch as well. I know a good restaurant where many local snacks are available. I am sure Tony will be interested in these snacks.

In the afternoon, we will go to the zoo by taxi. There are many special animals including zebra, monkey and elephant in the zoo. Tony likes animals very much, I think he will live the visit.

After supper home, I will invite him to go to the ciname.
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