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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-14 17:00



热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 05:16


  The Likonomics

  “Likonomics”, the term to describe Chinese Premier Li Keqiang`s economic policy. Was coined on June 27 by three economists at Barclays Capital. Like "Thatcherism", "Reaganomics", and more recently “Abenomics”, "Likonomics" has become the buzzword to describe the implications of China's new economic program. And what is “Likonomics”? The Barclays Capital`s economists also give our a explain, “Likonomics” was a series of measures adopted by the State Council. The measures were passed to ensure the sustainability of China`s economy. “which could be summarized as "Likonomics", consists of three key pillars: no stimulus, Deleveraging and structural reform." It is mean the China need to free the market, and stop the government control the market. And this new police is a long-term objectives, so the next three years the grew rate of Chinese quarter of Economic will be reced at least 4%.

  “Since assuming office in mid-March, Premier Li Keqiang has taken a different policy path. Its key economic policy framework, which could be summarized as "Likonomics", consists of three key pillars: no stimulus, deleveraging and structural reform.”(China Daily 07/05/2013 page9 by Huang Yiping). In the news, we know the three solutions, “no stimulus”, “Deleveraging” and “structural reform”. The “stimulus” mean the government in the short time,following the liabilities or expand the money supply to stimulate the economy, but at the same time the inflation also coming, So the first way is to decrease the Chinese inflation. And the second solution is “Deleveraging”, this solution`s meaning is “repay”, repay the money that borrow before the economic crisis, at the same time the most assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate the prices of those assets will be decrease, and the country`s economy also will be reced. The last solution is the “structural reform”, everyone know the government has no able to control the market, because the government cannot get all information for the government, but it just is the half reason for this solution, the other part is the “corruption” in the Chinese government system, the power official have able to control the economy. So the Premier Li Keqiang build the “free trade zone” in Shanghai, in this area no one can control the economy, that mean every thing happen in this area are all form the market`s self adjusting.

  In fact the words “no stimulus”, “Deleveraging” and “structural reform” are professional, so I use my own word to explain the “Likonomics”. I have four steps. First step, only “fight” the inflation and do not care the Chinese Economy grow rate, right now in China the RIBOR between banks is from 2% increase to 30%, it is effective to stop the banks`s venture investment, because when the RIBOR increase the bank have to keep the “working capital” in their own hand, they have no enough able to pay the extremely high interest rate, so that the total money in the market going to decrease. But at the same time the China “Total Social Financing ” it reced 43%. Secondly step, is decrease the TAX, as same as the picture show as, right now the Chinese tas price is stand on the point A, and if the government reced the tax price the total tax revenue will be increase. Thirdly step, is free the coal`s price, because in China the coal is the most important resource, people use the coal to generate electricity, warm and others, but on the coal have 88 kinds of tax, and the government disagree to trade the coal with other countries, so that if the government stop to control the coal`s price, the price will be decrease, then the burden of enterprises will accordingly drop. Fourth step, and also the last step is talk about

  the government control. We all know, that if the government control the market the efficiency of market will goes down, because the government cannot get all the information in the market. So the “Free trade zone” was born in Shanghai, in this zone the government cannot control, and the other large enterprise also cannot intervene, it is a 100% free market. The Premier Li is use this way to break the bureaucracy in China.

  Right now, the China is the fastest develop country in the world, and at the same time the stagflation also is coming. So the Premier Li use the extremely hard cost to stop the Chinese inflation increase. We don`t know what will be happen in the after ten years, even twenty years, the China, stand on the top of world, every action of China can have able to effect the international economic.

  All the informations are from those website:The Likonomics
  I live in the area which has five communities. They are a large community Taizi vally, two medium communities Shanshuiqing and Nuode internation, and two small communities, Shanhaicuilu and Ray. 0755. Residents Quantity:2500 families.

  The supermarket quantity: before 2009, there's a Huarun for us to buy something we need, but it moved after property right had transfered . Before 2010,there are no formal large supermarket. Supermarkets in geographical position from this area is far place but they has some small buses to transport customers, but I live in the area which just has some stores and a large farmer's market. By the end of 2010, Easy life opened and Baijia opened in early 2011. They are opened for residents’ everyday necessities demand. In March 2011,Easy life went out of business but Baiji’s business is booming.This article will mainly discuss the reason of Easy life closed and consumers choice problem.

  一.What decided they fate?

  1. From market supply and demand we can see that when Easy life and Baijia existing at the same time, there are supply greater than demand .

  2. When market supply greater than demand, which decide their fate is consumer preferences.

  First, shopping environment from view, consumer preferences in purchasing Baijia because it has a comfortable environment for comsumer to buy something. And at this point, Baijia do better than Easy life, such as: the ground very clean, there was nothing in the cart like resial vegetables or other things, shelves are very neat and clean, air indoor is very good.moreover from display of goods to see, though two of the supermarket goods no matter from varieties or to brand are familiar, but Baijia do better than Easy life and obviously the main problem is that Easy life’s commodity classification isn’t science, shelves has many unused space, etc. In addition to attract consumers from some of the factors, such as the lights, warm lamplight can make the fruit and vegetable appear very fresh, and can still make consumer feel very comfortable and it can also stimulate consumer to buy someting, so consumers are willing to spend more time to purchase goods.But choose the cool color light will make the fruit and vegetable seems not fresh and color looks wrong, the most important is the cool color light may make consumers feel unwell, consumers don’t want to stay in the supermarket any more, that is certainly will rece consumer’s more consumption. At this point Baijia will do better than Easy life.

  The above is from thing’s logical thinking , however, but when we use economic theory to treat Easy life closed and there is something we cann’t understand. Because of Easy life is at the side of the road where there is a large community, a medium-sized community and a small community. From the factor of buy something convenient to see, people actually are more willing to go to Easy life, because it does not need to cross the road. And the cashier of Easy life work more efficiently than Baijia, the bill. And this rece customer unnecessary waiting time. The most important advantages of Easy life that the price of same goods is cheaper than relative to the best goods cheaper than Baijia. So why are these relationships to the immediate interests of consumers advantage did not let Easy life’s business thriving? Instead of "advantage" that is blatant and why let Baijia’s business thriving? Personally, I think, this is the result of irrational consumer behavior! Economics of three assumptions, the most controversial is rational man hypothesis.


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