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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-14 09:50



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 03:30

I once gained(一般都用won)(加a) gold medal for(改为in) the contest of Liaoning Province in a vocality compete(名词competition) of national level. And I won the first degree of the Culture and Art Winter Camp in both Tsinghua Universiy and Peking University.I have participated in many perpormances(拼写错误) on behalf of my shchool,performing vocal solos,which made(前后时代要一致,建议 has made) me more confident and elegant.I also love widely reading(副词放后面,改为love reading widely), (加个连词 because )Reading makes a person wiser and more promising.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 03:31

I once rewarded gold medal for the contest of Liaoning Province in a vocality compete of national level. And I scored the first degree of the Culture and Art Winter Camp in both Tsinghua Universiy and Peking University.I have participated in many performances on behalf of my shchool,performing vocal solos,which made me more confidence and elegant.I also love reading in all areas ,Reading makes a person wiser and more promising.
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