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<新课程标准>中教学的基本理念六条 高分求翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-10 20:02



热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 10:49

1. Pay attention to all students, especially in their character building.

2. Design teaching in a macroscopic manner with creativity and open-mindedness.

3. Highlight student-centered objectives and respect variety of students' ability.

4. Organise application activities and encourage active participation from students.

5. Emphasise and assess the process to develop positive growth of students.

6. Explore teaching materials and provide students with more study channels.

用了很多big vocabulary,希望满意。

热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 10:49

1,Attach attention for all students.
2,Make macroscopical aim and be flexible and exoteric
3,Regard students as principal part and respect indivial
4,Organise activities and advocate participating
5,Think more of process, promote students' development
6,Explore resource of curriculum, adopt versatility of teaching


热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 10:50

1.Face all student, attention ecation for all-around development
2.The overall design goal, manifests the nimble opening
3.Prominent student main body, respect indivial difference
4.Uses the active way, the initiative experience participation
5.Pays great attention the process appraisal, promotes the student to develop
6.The development curriculum resources, the development study uses the channel
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