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英语作文批改 请高手指教

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 18:59



热心网友 时间:2023-07-10 18:27

Within the development of internet technology, online shopping becomes more popular . among young people, they especially love this new shopping style. in some way, Online shopping has created much more convenient life,we living amidst today. there is no need to go to the store. all we need to do is click, choosing the one we want.
while taking the advantage of convenient, we may think about the risk. Ⅰ: we can't identify the quality. the reason is obviously : what we see is just picture.Ⅱ:when we buy something on internet, we may get one which is not same one as picture we choosed. Ⅲ: when we pay on internet , we are taking the risk of exploring our passward. if someone knew our passward of bank card, we would loss bunch of money. here is some tips about shopping online: always stay on the alert when shopping online. also, choosing the sellers with good credit and keeping laptop safe will be helpful.
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