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紧急 急急急 一小时内给答案 高分奖励

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-09 04:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:21

The rapid development of the Internet today, the Internet became fast access, Published and impart information, the important channel for people in the political, economic, and other aspects of life plays an important role. Published information on the Internet was mainly achieved through the web site, Access to information is the Internet "sea" in accordance with certain retrieval methods to the required information from the website download down. Therefore the construction site on the Internet Application status Clearly, it has become the government, enterprises informatization construction of the important components in order to greatly people's attention. To improve the schools, improve the visibility of the school, especially the Harbin Railway Construction Vocational Technical College student website

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:22

In Internet rapid development today, the Internet becomes the people
fast to gain, the issue and the transmission information important
channel, it in the people politics, the economy, the life and so on
each aspect is playing the vital role. The campus net is using the
modern network technology, the multimedia technology and the Internet
technology and so on the school internal management and the
communication application network which establishes. The information
campus is take the campus net and the essential information service
equipment as a carrier, has the rich shareware and the convenience
tool support, and contains has the considerable amount the ecation
information resource, the collection teaches, study, the management,
the entertainment is a body new information work, the study, the life
network environment. This design elaborated with emphasis the campus
computer network system design and the realization method, including
the system design principle, the network technology choice, the
synthesis wiring system, the network topology and the equipment
shaping, this design may realize each mole basic function, satisfies
the campus interior various departments the demand, finally designs
succinctly, few spends, the effect good practical campus net

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:22

please help to translate this sentence into English.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:23

please help me to translate this sentence into English.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:23


热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 12:24

Today flown to soon develop in the Internet, the Internet becomes people to quickly obtain, release and deliver the important outlet of information, it at people politics, economy, life etc. each side develop important action.Release an information to mainly pass a website to carry out on the Internet, obtain an information to also want in"ocean" of the Internet according to certain inspectional mode will need of the information up and down carries down from the website.So the website construction is in applying Internet of position obvious, it has become state, the Qi business unit information-based construction in of importance constitute fraction, thus and doubly is valued by people.For the sake of better do to learn, exaltation school popularity, set up railroad occupation technical college student's website in Harbin especially
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