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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-08 19:22



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:32

你想跳的更高吗?当然!这是每个人梦寐以求的事情。In fact the questions I’m asked more then any other are, “What are the best exercises to improve my vertical jump and help me jump higher?” Or, “What are the best exercises to improve my speed?”实际上我比任何人更经常被问到这个问题,“提高垂直弹跳或者帮助我跳的更高的最佳方法是什么?”,或者,“提高速度的最佳方法是什么?”A lot of people think there’s some secret exercise or movement that will turn them into explosive superstars overnight. In truth, there is and that exercise is called consistency and hard work! If you aren’t willing to put forth consistent effort no single exercise will give you what you want.很多人都认为这其中有很多不为人知的训练方法或技巧能够让他们的弹跳在短时间内呈爆发式的增长。然而,唯一的秘诀就是勤奋与保持持续性的练习。如果你不愿意投入持续的努力,任何方法都不能够让你得到你想要的结果。Having said that, there are many quality exercises that will enable you to focus on the specific targets that your workouts must hit to help you run faster and jump higher. Hopefully in this article I can help save you gobbles of time in the process of achieving your performance goals.话虽如此,仍然有不少高质量的练习能够让你集中于具体的目标之上,这能够让你的每一次付出都对提高你的弹跳和速度有所帮助。我希望这篇文章能够帮助你减少完成目标所花费的时间。Jump Higher and Run Faster - Make It Simple跳的更高与跑的更快—— 保持简单。In this article I’ll attempt to shed some light on these questions and help you avoid going round and round playing a game of pin the tail on the donkey searching for that elusive magic bullet promised to make you run faster and jump higher. I’ll give you some of the top exercises that have been proven to help thousands of upper level athletes jump higher and run faster. Instead of wasting your time I’ll break speed and the vertical jump down and show you the exact qualities your workouts must target, and then give you the secrets, or exercises, that will enable you to hit those targets and make the most of your training time.在这篇文章里,我将阐明一些常见的问题,让你避免像驴打转一样日复一日的做一些无用功,例如不断搜索那些魔法般的难以理解的弹跳计划,虽然它们承诺你能够跳的更高,跑的更快,但这仅仅是围绕目标来行动。我将介绍一些顶级的训练方法,这些方法已经通过成千上万的高水平的运动员得到证实,而不是浪费你的时间。我将对速度与弹跳进行分解,并精确的告诉你训练方法所集中的目标,像你展示一些秘诀与方法来确保你实现你的目标并且最大化的利用你的训练时间。Jump Higher and Run Faster - Do They Actually Correlate?跳的更高与跑的更快 ——它们之间真的存在关联吗?A lot of you may wonder if the exercises to improve one area (speed or jump) work to improve the other. Will jumping higher make you run faster and vice versa? Generally speaking, the answer to that question is yes. In fact, the ability to accelerate quickly and jump high correlate very well with each other. Any time you increase your vertical jump and train yourself to jump higher, you’ll nearly always notice you also get faster and vice versa. This is because the qualities of strength required to jump high and run fast are very similar. In fact, e to this, you can many times get faster without running, and jump higher without jumping, as long as you’re enhancing the type(s) of strength required in each through your training regimen.不少人可能会怀疑提高弹跳或者速度的一者能否促进另一者,答案是肯定的。实际上,这两者的练习紧密,任何时候你提高了自己的垂直弹跳后,你基本上能够注意到你同样跑的更快了,反之亦然。这是因为提供弹跳与速度的力量的性质是类似的。所以,根据这点,你可以在有些时候只练习弹跳,或者只练习速度,只要你能够增强其中一者所需要的力量。To prove this all you have to do is take a look around. Have you ever seen a good sprinter who can’t jump high and a good leaper who’s slow as molasses? Me neither. 为了证明这点你可以看看你的周围,你是否见过一个跑的快但是却跳的很低的人呢?反正我是没见过的。So What Is The Best Exercise To Jump Higher and Run Faster?那么提高弹跳与速度的最佳方法是什么呢?First, understand that there really can’t be a single best exercise for everyone because different training means have different effects. The type of strength that one person needs to run faster and jump higher may be the opposite of what another needs. For example, someone who’s lacking in basic strength will get great results with common strength exercises such as the squat. Another person might have plenty of strength, but not enough “spring”, so a more specific vertical jump exercise like depth jumps will be his best training tool while the squats will do far less.首先,需要明白的是不存在一种单一的提高弹跳最佳方式,因为不同的训练方式将产生不同的作用。对于一个人来说,他当前所需要提高的某一类型的力量可能是不同的。例如,缺乏基础力量的人将从深蹲中获得极大的收获。而另外一个人可能具备了良好的基础力量,但是缺少足够的“跳跃”,所以对他来说做一些诸如深蹲跳的跳跃练习效果可能更好,而他做深蹲的频率将会少些。To Jump Higher and Run Faster Realize That Different Exercises Have Different Effects为了跳得更高,跑的更快,你需要意识到不同的练习带来不同的结果。Understand that different training means have different influences on speed and vertical jumping ability. Running speed and jumping ability both require an athlete to display large amounts of power. Power is a combination of strength and speed.意识到不同的训练方式对于弹跳和速度来说都有着不同的作用。而速度与弹跳都需要运动员展示他们的爆发力,爆发力是力量与速度的结合。
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