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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 17:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:13



 You know what I hear?  I hear, the clock ticking. Time waits for no man. Life goes by and it goes by quick. Don't waste those years don't waste them live them. Back off?  Negative. Not happening in fact I'm stepping it up. No complacency. No complacency no backing off. No slack whatsoever. Bring it. Fight. Fight that ticking clock with everything you got and the earlier you get in the game and get on track the better life you're gonna have. Healthier, wealthier, stronger, smarter, better. Go through the motion. I don't really want to workout?  I workout.  Don't really know what to get up and get out of bed?  I get up and get out of bed. Don't give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ear. The desire to take the path of least resistance the downhill path the easy path. Shut that down. Do not listen to that little voice. Instead go through the motions. Life the weights sprint the hill get out of bed. Get things done. And by simply going through the motions you stayed on the rightous path the discipline path which is right where you know that you belong. If you grind on Monday and you grind on Tuesday and you grind in Wednesday but you chill on Thursday and you chill on Friday and then grind on Thursday and they grind on Friday sooner or later they are gonna catch you. I've told every kid in America that tells me they are coming for me you gonna work hard for it. Because I'm gonna find out what the benchmarks are. I'm gonna reach the benchmarks and I'm gonna excel that thing.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:14

电影《时钟》英文名ticking clock,希望可以帮到你哟追问可否给个指挥部。


RDL是什么意思 报税软件是什么意思 某公司的财务报表管理软件属于 报表系统指的是什么? 怎么玩真三最好?我是新手选什么英雄最好? 真三新手玩什么英雄好? 最近玩魔兽真三,想请问一下高手,初期用什么英雄最好,新手攻略 新手玩真三选什么英雄好啊 ...离泡还有一段距离的地方好几片红,红的地方又疼又痒的,怎么办... 眼角出了好多小水疱.医生说是疱疹.怎么办 三年级上册ticking time怎么读 钟表指针的英文 tickcing time什么意思 Ticking Clock是什么意思 非在校生可以考哪些英语等级证书?含金量高的,好就业的 怎样补四级证书! 应届毕业生出国留学的档案处理问题。 关于英语四六级考试时间 把 安全放在心中于公于私都有什么好处 报到证怎么改派,对考事业编的影响 毕业后档案和报到证怎么处理? 公司题置打印机设问 三星s6今天更新后手机通讯录不见了,怎么恢复? 我现在是打印机管理员 如何设置只能让员工搜索到自己有权限的打印机 打印成本的打印成本控制 华夏司印(上海)生物技术有限公司怎么样? 如何管理公司多部门打印? 如何在司法部网站自行下载打司印准考证号 打印成本的司印部分成本控制功能 司印打印机如何扫描身份证在同一张a4纸? the clock is ticking 最地道的翻译和本身的意义 tiking是什么意思? clockisticking什么意思 如何查询全国有多少人和自己是重名的? “clock”的读音是什么? clock怎么读? 怎么在网上查重名的人有多少啊? clock的音标 全国重复我的名字有多少个!怎么查询? 你知道clock中oc发什么音 Clock与robot发音相同吗 如何查询广东省姓名重名情况? O'clock的英语怎么读 想给孩子起个名字,怎么能查到和当地人有没有重名的? clock和learn是同一类的吗 在Excel表格中有200多个姓名,如何查找出有重名? lookatsmallclock是什么意思 在哪里可以查 全国重名的有多少 名字统计? 如何在网上查询想要注册的工商名字是否重复? iphone相册里的照片无缘无故消失了好几百张,怎么回事?