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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-23 13:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:30

A你好 hello/hi (楼主自己选,hi更亲近一点)
B你好,好久不见呀!Hi/hello, long time no see (这句话我在美国老外经常对我说的,绝对正确且口语化)
A过得还好吗?How's going?
BC不错呀。很好啊 not bad/ i am fine
D哦 这样 oh, ok.
A:D你看起来不太好呀。you don't look well.
B怎么了?what's up?
C发生了什么事?what happened?
D哦 最近压力太大了oh, because i have been facing a lot of pressure recently
A因为女朋友?because of your girlfriend?
B因为学习?because of your school/grades
C到底是因为什么呀?yeah, seriously why are you facing pressure? (没有直译,我改了一点,但是绝对口语,相信我)
D其实 是因为没钱了。很难受 actually, because i run out of money, i feel so bad.
A你钱都花到哪了?where did you spend all your money?
B发生什么大事情了吗?did anything serious happen?
C我最近也挺缺钱的 i sort of need money too, recently.
D就是,这里那里花着花着就没了 same here, i always spend money on so many things and eventually end up having no money (也是改了一点,句意没变,而且绝对口语)
A对呀 最近饭价都上涨了i know right! the price for school lunch has been raised recently (不知道饭是什么饭,我就假设是学校午饭了。。。)
B所以我都自己带便当 that's why i always bring my own lunch
C那是TREND that's the trend
D饭可以自己做,但是和女朋友一起消费也很大啊 you can cook your own food, but you still have to spend a lot of money for your girlfriend.
A对呀 that's true.
D钱不够用要怎么办? what can i do if i don't have enough money
B你别因为钱太担心了don't worry too much about money
C为什么 why not?
D你有什么好办法吗?do you have any good idea?
B去打工呀 yes, go to find a job (在美国打工都这么说)
D打工?a job?
B对呀 我现在就在打工 yes, i have been working recently.
A啊 打工是挺好的 yeah, a job is a good choice/idea
B我们店正在招人哦 the shop i am working for is looking for employees.
C工资很高吗?does it offer high salaries?
B恩 挺高的 Yeah, pretty high.
A那你去试试吧 then you should go try.
D只能这样了。谢谢你啦B that's what i should do. thank you so much.
B不客气 you are welcome.
A呀 你们看看这广告 oh, look at this advertisement!
Bsuperstar K?哇!一等奖有一亿元!Superstar k? wow, the winner for first prize can get a hundred million dollars (也可以改成yuan啦,就是听着怪怪滴)?
C就是能帮你圆明星梦哦 it can make your star dream come true.
D而且还给一亿。And it also gives you a hundred million dollars.
A怎样?想去参加不?what do you think? do you want to try?
D我唱歌不好听 i am not good at singing.
C真的哦 really?
D万一得到了一亿元 你想拿来干嘛 if you do get a hundred million dollars, what will you do with it?
A恩 我先买车 um, i will buy a car first.
B果然男生都爱车 it's true that boys all love cars.
C:D你呢 想用来做什么 how about you, what do you want to do with the money?
D用来做生意啊 to run my business
A做生意?run your business?
B啊!服装生意对不 oh yeah, business for clothes design, right? (我改成了服装设计,如果不是把design删了就行了)
D恩恩。你们都知道我对服装特别有兴趣的 yes. you all know that i am really interested in it (再说一遍服装太重复了吧)
A是呀 oh yeah.
B我要拿去旅游 I will spend the money for traveling
C旅游?哪里?travel? to where?
B纽约吧 New York.
D又说自己英语不好 But you have said that you are not good at English
A学习呗 I guess you will have to study then
B我是说给父母去旅游用 i mean i will give the money to my parents, and let them travel
C为感谢他们给你出的学费?you want to do it because you are grateful that they pay for your school?
B对呀 yup.
D我也会觉得很感激又很抱歉的 i also feel grateful and sorry
ABD:果然你想的最周到 That was so considerate and sweet of you.
A不管怎样 幻想一下也很开心 no matter what, just dreaming makes me happy.
BCD:对呀 哈哈 i know right, haha
A现在几点啊?what time is it?
B4点 four'o clock
C怎么了why? what happened?
A有课要上啊 得走了 i have a class. i have to go now.
D那我们也走吧 then i guess we will leave, too.
BC:好啊 sure.
A今天真开心 再见咯 I had a nice day today. bye, guys
BCD:哈哈 再见 haha, bye.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:30

A, how are you
B Hello, long time no see!
C, how are you
A have a good time?
BC good. Very nice
D oh so
A: D you don't look well.
Is something wrong, B?
What happened to C?
D well recently too much pressure
A because his girlfriend?
B because learning?
C is because what?
D is because of no money. Very bad
A you money Douhua where?
B what great things?
C recently I also very short
D is here and there, the flower blossoms with no
A 's recent rice price rise
B so I have to bring their own lunch
C is that TREND
D meal can do, but with a girlfriend consumption is also great.
A yes
D enough not to do?
B you don't worry too much money
Why C
D do you have any good idea?
B to work.
D work?
B YES now I began to work
A's work is good.
B our store is hiring oh
C has a high salary?
B en is quite high
A that you try
D only way. Thank you B
B is not polite
You have a look the ad A.
Bsuperstar K? Wow! The first prize is one hundred million yuan!
C is able to help you round star dream
D and returned to the one hundred million.
What about A? Want to go to?
D I can't sing well
C really oh
D should get one hundred million yuan you want with it.
A my first car
B really boys car
C: D you want to do
D to do business.
A to do business?
B ah! Clothing business on the
Video D. You all know I'm on the clothing has a particular interest in the
A yes
B I want to get my travel
C travel? Where to?
B New York.
D says he is not good at English
A learn
B I was talking to parents to travel
C thank them for giving you the tuition fees?
B yes
D I will feel very grateful and very sorry
ABD: if you want the most thoughtful
A no matter how fantasy it is happy
BCD: ah ha ha
A now several?
B4 point
Is something wrong, C
A have a class ah go
D then we go too.
BC: Yes
A really happy today bye-bye
BCD: ha ha.
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