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有首歌一开始歌词是listen the story

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-21 02:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 02:57

  valley story
  歌手:los amigos 专辑:ii) ukrainian idiot
  Listen children to a story
  That was written long ago
  About a kingdom on the mountain
  And the valley far below
  On the mountain was a treasure
  Buried deep beneath the stones
  And the valley people swore
  They'd have it for their very own

  So go and lie to your neighbours
  Go and cheat a friend
  Do it in the name of heaven
  You'll be justified in the end
  Use some uneasy friendships
  To help you on your way
  And then wake up tomorrow
  And do it all another day

  All the people chose to gather
  Pondered how to move the stones
  All the people were united
  Except a boy who worked alone
  And an old man who had warned them
  About the treasure and it's curse
  All the people laughed and pointed
  No one thought they'd end up worse

  So try and tell your neighbours
  Go and meet a friend
  Do it in the name of heaven
  You'll be justified in the end
  They may refuse to listen
  So help them on their way
  And then wake up tomorrow
  And do it all another day

  Almost all the valley people
  Went in search of buried gold
  They found the stones and then they moved them
  And made their way down through the hole
  They would soon emerge with treasure
  As promised beneath the stones
  Everyone was fit and healthy
  No curse so they all went home

  Too late to warn your neighbours
  None will be your friend.
  But you did it in the name of heaven
  You'll be justified in the end
  They all chose not to listen
  So you didn't block their way
  And you'll wake up tomorrow
  And do it all another day

  We return here three months later
  The populations down to two.
  What has happened. Where are people
  Nothing here seems rich and new
  Everybody wanted treasure
  It all sparked a civil war
  The boy with no greed still was playing
  With the man who warned before.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 02:57

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