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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-22 21:24



热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 03:50

第二,简单描述一下餐厅: 中餐厅 、西餐厅还是自助餐, 氛围怎么样 ,服务态度如何。
Last summer my friend Jenny invited me to have dinner with her at Oliver Garden. Jenny was a very close friend of mine back in junior high. We always hung out together. But her parents sent her to the US for high school study. We hadn't met for three years. We missed each other very much. That’s why she invited me to dinner the moment she returned.
Oliver Garden was our favorite restaurant. In other words, it was really my cup of tea. Specifically, It served both Chinese and western dishes. The soft music, gorgeous servants and tasty food were refreshing and relaxing as always. We ordered Kung pow chicken, lobster, salad and mushroom soap.
We spent some time talking about the old days. We talked about how we skipped Mr Baker’s Geometry Class to watch movies. And then Mr Baker would keep us in detention and triple our assignments. We talked about how heartbroken Jenny was when her boyfriend mped her. And then we threw his new girlfriend’s schoolbag into the trash can. All those unforgettable memory made us burst into laughter.
And we spent the rest of the evening catching up on each other. She told me that she did not fit well in the new enrivonment at first, and she suffered severly from language barrier and homesickness. “You had no idea how lonely I was”, she said, “I felt like a total alien.” However, her english was improved at last. She was in the tennis team of her school,and she was a straight-A student. And then we discussed the difference between Chinese and American high schools. At the end of the evening, we made a deal that we would apply to American Universities together.
To be honest, this meal is really unique in my mind. Summer vacation is coming soon, I'm looking forward to enjoying dinner with Jenny again this summer.
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