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Method vs. Way的用法及分别?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-22 12:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 00:51

其实 METHOD 和 WAY 的分别不在于处事方法和路线的分别。两个都可指方法, 不过 METHOD 是有部骤,是成个过程一步步讲解。比起 WAY 要详尽仔细得多。 相对,WAY 是一个好垄统的字。所以,有些书用 METHODS,有些书用 WAYS做书名, 里面写的方法也很不同。METHODS 是像做实验一步步的讲,而 WAYS 则自由发挥, 随时风花说月讲题外话。 examples Methods for how to purify fresh tap water before using it in salater aquarium systems to avoid the potenial problems that can arise from doing so. saltaquarium.about/cs/dirosetup/a/aa062498 - 30k - Research Methods. Ways of Knowing. (Return to the Research Methods page) ... A Priori Method or Logic
People will not knowingly ingest poisons. People know that tobacco contains nicotine
which is a poison. Therefore
they will not ... ithaca.e/beins/methods/materials/knowing - 4k 下面是字典解释。 Method \Meth"od\
n. [F. m['e]thode
L. methos
fr. Gr. meqodos method
investigation following after; meta` after + "odo`s way.] 1. An orderly procere or process; regular manner of doing anything; hence
manner; way; mode; as
a method of teaching languages; a method of improving the mind. --Addison. 2. Orderly arrangement
or classification; clear and lucid exhibition; systematic arrangement peculiar to an indivial. Though this be madness
yet there's method in it. --Shak. All method is a rational progress
a progress toward an end. --Sir W. from dict.die Hamilton. meth·od 图片参考:img.tfd/hm/GIF/schwa d)n.1. A me or manner of procere
especially a regular and systematic way of acplishing something: a simple method for making a pie crust; mediation as a method of solving disputes. See Usage Note at methodology.2. Orderly arrangement of parts or steps to acplish an end: random efforts that lack method.3. The proceres and techniques characteristic of a particular discipline or field of knowledge: This field course gives an overview of archaeological method.4. Method A technique of acting in which the actor recalls emotions and reactions from past experience and uses them in identing with and indivializing the character being portrayed. synonyms: method
way Way is the least specific of these terms. the free dict
Method - 偏向于实物处事方法 e.g.cooking methods
calculating methods
cleaning methods
writing methods
drawing methods Ways -偏向于路线 e.g.travelling ways
walking way What is the method to do it? What is the way to do it ? How is the method to go to Tsimshatsui ? Answer: by train Which is the way to go to Tsimshatsui ? Answer : through Nathan Road
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