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用英文翻译一下 希望翻译的口语化一点 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-21 19:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:54

You may feel sad, not, you should feel sad.
Because no matter how you treat me, I don't appreciate.
I didn't see. I just pretend to see.
I don't want to see.
Do you feel like me very much.
No one even feel like you so like me. You try to be nice to me,
My watch is more important than yourself.
What is the first thing that I was,
Do not contact me, you worry about me worry too crazy.
Do you ever think, however, that is not in your area of responsibility.
And probably I hide you.
I can't stand you so kind to me.
Don't send messages to me, Don't always find me.
Maybe you just want to find me sometimes, you think it is very normal, not demanding.
But I don't think so.
Remember, your idea is on behalf of my idea.
You are really not return in like me?
You ask, you need not I return?
Why would you sad.
If you really expects nothing could feel sad.
So, don't you think that I love is great.
You gave me love may be a burden.
This will only make me more burden to away from you.
Because I don't owe you.
Don't worry about everything for me to love her.
Do you think I didn't you not, Do you think people do you so perfect.
But you must know that you are not the one for me
You have done more perfect also enemy but people do not.
People will worry about me for I worry, don't you care.
The position would not you, why are you squeeze, extortionary
Write exactly.
Maybe you have love is,
But please remember - that is ever.
The past is past.
If you really suit together,
So did you not separate.
Whoever broke all the same,
This relationship is ever broken.
No matter who is wrong, results are a: you apart.
If either party after separate tried to save, while the other did not agree with,
So this relationship is over.
We love, how could not easily parted.
This will only make you more difficult to give up,
But don't let other choices you back again.
Unless everyone to reconciliation,
Otherwise, you may not be a slap racquet sound.
So early adandon this idea.
As to whether I intentionally, I think you yourselves know better than anyone else.
Don't feel how poor,
Or get very pitiful,
So do not fun.
I don't like you because you are poor.
You said you understand, but truth do bad.
Not bad, you do what you want to do.
You are not afraid to forget me, are you afraid I forget you.
I cannot say what you,
Actually, you leave me is trenchant
If I leave you, I will not do not you.
The man is not reasonable.
Don't you see?
Like I'm not your fault.
Think about me isn't you of wrong,
Control your isn't you of wrong.
But that is the way you,
I can accept your so-called selfless love.
Then you silently,
Don't try to let me know.
If you will be sad, sad tears even.
Are you silently,
Even push yourself.
Must enre, don't bother me.
So silly child.

You cannot forget easily give up. Because you have paid.

And I will give the same rooted in mind as pillars.

Don't forget to escape, deliberately painstakingly. It will only make you more pain.

Around the pillars, looking for future happiness.

There is your ideal.
Silly child.
Start a new habit.
In the morning, I no longer habit of artificial alarm.
Habit is a personal life, every day.
Habit, a person's birthday. A person walking.
Habit, through the familiar way. Facing the familiar scene.
You won't get away. Get away.
So, the brave face reality.
The reality is that I have to leave.
All the period.
Silly child.
The brave looking yourself.
The sad face gaunt. Weak
This is for you. Growth of you.
This for you. Are dying.
The new you. Will rebirth.
Find your way. Your future.
You know. All of the holocaust, are growing festival.
Do your best. If a person.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:54

Don't think that, because I feel you are very silly, I really really like

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:54

Because no matter how you treat me, I don't appreciate.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:55

Be yourself,even alone.
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