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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 18:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 01:51

Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

Isaac Newton 艾萨克·牛顿

James Clerk Maxwell 詹姆斯·卡拉克·麦克斯韦

Georg Simon Ohm 乔治·西蒙·欧姆

Thomas Alva Edison 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生 我就知道这么多呀?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 01:51

最后一个地址不错!呵呵。如果想知道更多的scientist name联系我吧!
Ahn, B. (Ionospheric Conctance Modeling)
Allen, J. (Storm Effects)
Altrock, R. (Interested in Developments)
Anderson, B. (UARS Auroral Currents)
Anderson, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
Andrews, G. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
Angelopoulos, V. (Geotail Energetic Particles)

Baker, D. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
Baker, K. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
Behnke, R. (Interested in Developments)
Bilitza, D. (IRI Ionospheric Modeling)
Borovsky, J. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Boteler, D. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
Buonsanto, M. (Coordinator, CEDAR Storm Study/Millstone Hill Data)
Burrage, M. (UARS/HRDI)
Bust, G. (Ionospheric Tomography (MACE Data))

Calderon, C. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
Cafarella, L. (Antarctic Ground Magnetometer Data)
Carr, S. (Ionospheric Modeling)
Cattell, C. (Geotail Electric Field Data Analysis)
Cayton, T. (GPS Data at 4.2 Re)
Chen, J. (Global MHD Modeling)
Chen, M. (Ring Current Modeling)
Clauer, R. (MAGIC Magnetometer Data)
Coffey, H. (NGDC Solar On-Line Data)
Coles, R. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
Conkright, R. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
Conner, M. (KRM Modeling and Analysis)
Crooker, N. (Solar Wind/IMF/Plasma)
Crowley, G. (TIME GCM Runs)

Davis, C. (Interested in Developments)
Decker, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
Deng, W. (HRDI/WINDII Data Analysis)
Detman, T. (Interplanetary Scintillation Data)
Dryer, M. (SOLTIPS Coordinator)
Dudeney, J. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)

Emery, B. (AMIE Modeling)
Engebreteson, M. (MACCS magnetometer data)
Erwin, E. (NGDC Cosmic Ray Data On-Line)
Evans, D. (TIROS/NOAA Particle Data)

Fejer, B. (Low Latitude E-Field Modeling)
Fesen, C. (NCAR TIEGCM Runs)
Foster, J. (Ionospheric Analysis/Millstone Hill Data)
Frahm, R. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Fraser, B. (Southern Hemisphere magnetometers)
Freeman, J. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
Friis-Christensen, E. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)

Gary, J. (FREJA Currents)
Gosling, J. (Interested in Developments)

Hairston, M. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
Heelis, R. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
Henderson, M. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
Ho, C. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
Hoogeveen, G. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Hudson, M. (Radiation Belt Modeling)
Hughes, J. (MACCS magnetometer data)
Hughes, T. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
Hume, E. (Interested in Developments)
Hundhausen, A. (Mauna Loa K-Coronometer)

Inan, U. (VLF D-Region Measurements)

Jacobson, A. (Los Alamos Plasmaspheric-Drift Interferometer)

Kamide, Y. (KRM modeling)
Kikuchi, T. (Equatorail Magnetomter Data Analysis)
Kivelson, M. (Galileo Data, Low resolution B data at 3.6 AU)
Knipp, D. (Coordinator, Data Assimilation to include AMIE)
Kozyra, J. (Ring Current Modeling)
Kroehl, H. (Interested in Developments)
Kutiev, I. (Interested in Developments)

Lambour, R. (Modified Magnetospheric Spec Model Plasma Density)
Lanzerotti, L. (Geopotentials/mid latitude magnetometer data)
Lazarus, A. (IMP-8 Solar Wind Plasma)
Li, X. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
Link, R. (UARS PEM/WINDII, Photoelectrons and Energetic Particles)
Linker, J. (Solar Modeling)
Lu, G. (Auroral Boundaries/Particle Spectra)
Luehr, H. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data)
Lui, T. (Geotail Energetic Particles)

Mannucci, A. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
Manson, A. (Lower Thermosphere Winds)
Masuda, S. (YOKHOH X-ray Image Data)
Maurits, S. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
McAllister, A. (YOHKOH Solar Images, Stream/CME ID and Interactions)
McEwen, D. (Optical Data at Eureka 89 deg. Magnetic)
McHarg, G. (Auroral Pulsations)
McLandress, C. (UARS WINDII)
Melendez, D. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
Meriwether, J. (Lower Thermosphere Optical Data)
Miller, K. (Thermospheric Winds, Transient Electric Fields)
Milling, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)
Morris, L. (NGDC Geomagnetic On-Line Data)
Mukai, T. (Interested in Developments)
Mursula, K. (FREJA Electric Field and Low-Frequency Wave Data)

Nakamura, M. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)

O'Loughlin, K. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
Obara, T. (Akebona Data)
Olson, J. (Alaska-Canada Meridian Chain Magnetometer Data)
Onsager, T. (Cusp and Nightside Particle Spectra)
Orr, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)

Papitashvili, V. (IZMEM Modeling)
Patterson, E. (Cosmic Rays)
Pinnock, M. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Prinz, D. (UARS Solar Spectra, Oxygen profile, Ozone profile)


Raeder, J. (Global MHD-Ionosphere Model)
Reeves, G. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
Reinisch, B. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
Rich, F. (DMSP Particle Data)
Richards, P. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
Roberts, B. (Interested in Developments)
Robinson, R. (Interested in Developments)
Roderiguez, R. (All Sky Camera Data)
Rodger, A. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Rosenberg, T. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Rostoker, G. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
Ruohoniemi, M. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
Russell, C. (Interested in Developments)

Samson, J. (Auroral Structures)
Scali, J. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
Sharber, J. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Shepard, G. (WINDII Data)
Shiokawa, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)
Singer, H. (GOES 6 & 7 Magnetometer and Energetic Particles)
Spence, H. (Interested in Developments)
Stauning, P. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)
Steele, D. (CCD All sky images of aurora and airglow)
Sulzer, M. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)
Sun, W. (Interested in Developments)
Szuberla, C. (Lonyearbyen Magnetometer Data)

Terasawa, T. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)
Thomsen, M. (Interested in Developments)
Tobiska, K. (Modeled Solar EUV Irradiance)
Totten, T. (Solar Wind Shock Modeling)
Troshichev, O. (Arctic and Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Tschan, C. (Interested in Developments)
Tsurutani, B. (Interested in Developments)


Valiz, O. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
Vassiliadis, D. (Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of SW data)
Viljanen, A. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data & Ground Voltages)

Watari, S. (Solar Sector Boundaries)
Watkins, B. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
Weatherwax, A. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Weimer, D. (High Latitude Electric Field Modeling)
Weiss, L. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Wickwar, V. (Fabry Perot OH winds and O (1D) winds)
Wilkin, P. (Interested in Developments)
Wilkinson, D. (Satellite Anomalies Studies)
Wilkinson, P. (Australian Ionosondes)
Winningham, D. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Worthington, W. (Boulder CO Ground Magnetometers and Spectragrams)


Yumoto, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)

Zaitzev, A. (IZMIRAN Ground Magnetometer Chain)
Zanetti, L. (FREJA Currents)
Zhou, Q. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 01:52

Ahn, B. (Ionospheric Conctance Modeling)
Allen, J. (Storm Effects)
Altrock, R. (Interested in Developments)
Anderson, B. (UARS Auroral Currents)
Anderson, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
Andrews, G. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
Angelopoulos, V. (Geotail Energetic Particles)

Baker, D. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
Baker, K. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
Behnke, R. (Interested in Developments)
Bilitza, D. (IRI Ionospheric Modeling)
Borovsky, J. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Boteler, D. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
Buonsanto, M. (Coordinator, CEDAR Storm Study/Millstone Hill Data)
Burrage, M. (UARS/HRDI)
Bust, G. (Ionospheric Tomography (MACE Data))

Calderon, C. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
Cafarella, L. (Antarctic Ground Magnetometer Data)
Carr, S. (Ionospheric Modeling)
Cattell, C. (Geotail Electric Field Data Analysis)
Cayton, T. (GPS Data at 4.2 Re)
Chen, J. (Global MHD Modeling)
Chen, M. (Ring Current Modeling)
Clauer, R. (MAGIC Magnetometer Data)
Coffey, H. (NGDC Solar On-Line Data)
Coles, R. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
Conkright, R. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
Conner, M. (KRM Modeling and Analysis)
Crooker, N. (Solar Wind/IMF/Plasma)
Crowley, G. (TIME GCM Runs)

Davis, C. (Interested in Developments)
Decker, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
Deng, W. (HRDI/WINDII Data Analysis)
Detman, T. (Interplanetary Scintillation Data)
Dryer, M. (SOLTIPS Coordinator)
Dudeney, J. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)

Emery, B. (AMIE Modeling)
Engebreteson, M. (MACCS magnetometer data)
Erwin, E. (NGDC Cosmic Ray Data On-Line)
Evans, D. (TIROS/NOAA Particle Data)

Fejer, B. (Low Latitude E-Field Modeling)
Fesen, C. (NCAR TIEGCM Runs)
Foster, J. (Ionospheric Analysis/Millstone Hill Data)
Frahm, R. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Fraser, B. (Southern Hemisphere magnetometers)
Freeman, J. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
Friis-Christensen, E. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)

Gary, J. (FREJA Currents)
Gosling, J. (Interested in Developments)

Hairston, M. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
Heelis, R. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
Henderson, M. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
Ho, C. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
Hoogeveen, G. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Hudson, M. (Radiation Belt Modeling)
Hughes, J. (MACCS magnetometer data)
Hughes, T. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
Hume, E. (Interested in Developments)
Hundhausen, A. (Mauna Loa K-Coronometer)

Inan, U. (VLF D-Region Measurements)

Jacobson, A. (Los Alamos Plasmaspheric-Drift Interferometer)

Kamide, Y. (KRM modeling)
Kikuchi, T. (Equatorail Magnetomter Data Analysis)
Kivelson, M. (Galileo Data, Low resolution B data at 3.6 AU)
Knipp, D. (Coordinator, Data Assimilation to include AMIE)
Kozyra, J. (Ring Current Modeling)
Kroehl, H. (Interested in Developments)
Kutiev, I. (Interested in Developments)

Lambour, R. (Modified Magnetospheric Spec Model Plasma Density)
Lanzerotti, L. (Geopotentials/mid latitude magnetometer data)
Lazarus, A. (IMP-8 Solar Wind Plasma)
Li, X. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
Link, R. (UARS PEM/WINDII, Photoelectrons and Energetic Particles)
Linker, J. (Solar Modeling)
Lu, G. (Auroral Boundaries/Particle Spectra)
Luehr, H. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data)
Lui, T. (Geotail Energetic Particles)

Mannucci, A. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
Manson, A. (Lower Thermosphere Winds)
Masuda, S. (YOKHOH X-ray Image Data)
Maurits, S. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
McAllister, A. (YOHKOH Solar Images, Stream/CME ID and Interactions)
McEwen, D. (Optical Data at Eureka 89 deg. Magnetic)
McHarg, G. (Auroral Pulsations)
McLandress, C. (UARS WINDII)
Melendez, D. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
Meriwether, J. (Lower Thermosphere Optical Data)
Miller, K. (Thermospheric Winds, Transient Electric Fields)
Milling, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)
Morris, L. (NGDC Geomagnetic On-Line Data)
Mukai, T. (Interested in Developments)
Mursula, K. (FREJA Electric Field and Low-Frequency Wave Data)

Nakamura, M. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)

O'Loughlin, K. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
Obara, T. (Akebona Data)
Olson, J. (Alaska-Canada Meridian Chain Magnetometer Data)
Onsager, T. (Cusp and Nightside Particle Spectra)
Orr, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)

Papitashvili, V. (IZMEM Modeling)
Patterson, E. (Cosmic Rays)
Pinnock, M. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Prinz, D. (UARS Solar Spectra, Oxygen profile, Ozone profile)


Raeder, J. (Global MHD-Ionosphere Model)
Reeves, G. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
Reinisch, B. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
Rich, F. (DMSP Particle Data)
Richards, P. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
Roberts, B. (Interested in Developments)
Robinson, R. (Interested in Developments)
Roderiguez, R. (All Sky Camera Data)
Rodger, A. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Rosenberg, T. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Rostoker, G. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
Ruohoniemi, M. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
Russell, C. (Interested in Developments)

Samson, J. (Auroral Structures)
Scali, J. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
Sharber, J. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Shepard, G. (WINDII Data)
Shiokawa, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)
Singer, H. (GOES 6 & 7 Magnetometer and Energetic Particles)
Spence, H. (Interested in Developments)
Stauning, P. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)
Steele, D. (CCD All sky images of aurora and airglow)
Sulzer, M. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)
Sun, W. (Interested in Developments)
Szuberla, C. (Lonyearbyen Magnetometer Data)

Terasawa, T. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)
Thomsen, M. (Interested in Developments)
Tobiska, K. (Modeled Solar EUV Irradiance)
Totten, T. (Solar Wind Shock Modeling)
Troshichev, O. (Arctic and Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Tschan, C. (Interested in Developments)
Tsurutani, B. (Interested in Developments)


Valiz, O. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
Vassiliadis, D. (Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of SW data)
Viljanen, A. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data & Ground Voltages)

Watari, S. (Solar Sector Boundaries)
Watkins, B. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
Weatherwax, A. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Weimer, D. (High Latitude Electric Field Modeling)
Weiss, L. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Wickwar, V. (Fabry Perot OH winds and O (1D) winds)
Wilkin, P. (Interested in Developments)
Wilkinson, D. (Satellite Anomalies Studies)
Wilkinson, P. (Australian Ionosondes)
Winningham, D. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Worthington, W. (Boulder CO Ground Magnetometers and Spectragrams)


Yumoto, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)

Zaitzev, A. (IZMIRAN Ground Magnetometer Chain)
Zanetti, L. (FREJA Currents)
Zhou, Q. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)

参考资料:luotw - 初学弟子 一级

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 01:52


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 01:53

Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

Isaac Newton 艾萨克·牛顿

James Clerk Maxwell 詹姆斯·卡拉克·麦克斯韦

Georg Simon Ohm 乔治·西蒙·欧姆

Thomas Alva Edison 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生
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