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stuff 和 thing 表示 “东西”有什么不同吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-01 07:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 04:49


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 04:50

thing是指一件事 stuff是指一个东西

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 04:50


stuff [stʌf] n.
1. 材料,物料
2. 原料
3. 填料,塞料
4. [主英国英语]料子,(尤指)毛料,呢料
5. 东西,物品;物质
6. 食物;饮料;药品
7. 本质,素质,特质
8. 品质,德性
9. [口语]专长,特长 b (某种)言行)
10. 货色;资财,家产;行李;装备
11. 无用之物,废物;无价值的事物(或作品等)
12. 无用(或愚蠢)的想法;废话,蠢话
13. [口语](新闻、文学、美术、话剧、音乐创作等的)内容
14. [口语]能力,本事;才能
15. (造纸的)纸浆,浆料,纸料
16. (发射出的)炮弹;*弹
17. [俚语][the stuff]钱,钞票
18. [俚语]大麻,*,(尤指)海洛因;会令人上瘾的药;*
19. [美国俚语]赃物;走私货(尤指酒)
20. [美国口语]
【篮球】塞篮,扣篮(=stuff shot)
21. [废语](军队的)辎重;(士兵的)行装
1. 把…装进,把…填进,把…塞进(常与 in, into 连用):
to stuff the cheque for £100 into one's pocket把100镑的支票装进口袋
There are too many people stuffed in his car.
2. 把…装满,填装,灌装;把…塞满:
to stuff the handbag with cosmetics
His mouth was stuffed with food.
3. 塞住,堵住;阻塞(常与 up 连用):
to stuff the opening of the cave with earth and stone
He stuffed up his ears with earplugs before diving.
4. 喂饱,填喂;使饱食:
Having been stuffed, the milk cows were crouching down on the ground.
Our greatest enjoyment now is to stuff ourselves.
5. 【烹饪】给…填馅;把作料(或填料)塞入(鸡、鸭、鱼等)
6. 填塞(鸟、动物)的皮以作标本,剥制…的标本
7. [美国英语]把假选票塞入(选票箱):
He said that too many people stuffed the ballot boxes.
8. 使充满,使充斥:
This film is stuffed with blood and murder.
to be stuffed with illusions充满了幻想
9. 给(皮革)加脂
10. [口语](在比赛中)轻易击败(对手):
You won't able to stuff him.
11. [俚语]处理掉,丢掉:
You must try to stuff this car.你得设法处理掉这辆汽车。
12. [美国俚语]把赃物(或假货)卖给,诓骗;作弄:
You're stuffing me, aren't you?你在戏弄我,是不是?
13. 【篮球】扣(篮),把(球)塞入篮筐
14. 【冰球】把(球或冰球)近距离射入球门
15. [禁忌语]和(女人)*
1. 吃饱,狼吞虎咽:
Having rubbed his hands on the body, he began to stuff.
2. 【篮球】塞篮,扣篮

stuff [stʌf]
1. the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object
wheat is the stuff they use to make bread
2. miscellaneous unspecified objects
the trunk was full of stuff
3. informal terms for personal possessions
4. senseless talk
don't give me that stuff
5. unspecified qualities required to do or be something
the stuff of heros you don't have the stuff to be a United States Marine
6. information in some unspecified form
it was stuff I had heard before there's good stuff in that book
7. a critically important or characteristic component
suspense is the very stuff of narrative
1. fill completely
The child stuffed his pockets with candy
2. press or force
3. obstruct
My nose is all stuffed
4. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
She stuffed herself at the dinner
5. treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting
stuff a bearskin
6. fill tightly with a material
stuff a pillow with feathers The old lady wants to have her dead poodle stuffed by the taxidermist
7. fill with a stuffing while cooking
Have you stuffed the turkey yet?

thing1 [θiŋ]
1. 物,东西,物件;事物
2. [常作复数]事件;事情
3. [常作复数]局面;情况;形势
4. 事业;行动;举动
5. 目的;目标
6. 成就,成果,成绩
7. [复数](个人的)所有物;用品;衣服
8. [复数](用于某种目的的)用具,物品
9. 人;家伙;东西(指人或生物,带有爱、怜悯或轻蔑等感*彩)
10. 项目;细节;方面
11. 属性;特征
12. 陈述;想法;主题
13. [口语](争论的)论点;争端
14. [the thing]正需要的东西;最适合的东西;最流行的东西
15. [美国口语]怪癖;惧怕;病态的恐惧
16. [复数,后接形容词]文物
17. 【法律】财产
18. 【哲学】存在
19. [美国俚语]心爱物;拿手好戏;个人爱好(常与do连用)
thing2 [θiŋ; tiŋ]
n.(斯堪的纳维亚各国的)立法机构;司法机构;议会[亦作 ting]

thing [θiŋ]
1. a special situation
this thing has got to end it is a remarkable thing
2. an action
how could you do such a thing?
3. an artifact
how does this thing work?
4. an event
a funny thing happened on the way to the...
5. a statement regarded as an object
to say the same thing in other terms how can you say such a thing?
6. any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence
the thing I like about her is ...
7. a special abstraction
a thing of the spirit things of the heart
8. a vaguely specified concern
things are going well
9. an entity that is not named specifically
I couldn't tell what the thing was
10. a special objective
the thing is to stay in bounds
11. a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion
he has a thing about seafood she has a thing about him
12. a separate and self-contained entity
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