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谁知道everest-iain archer这首歌的歌词?感激

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-31 08:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 02:06

Everest - Iain Archer
In the winter chill, in the wintertime
Warmth of heart got hard to find
Nowhere could we hear a familiar sound
The dawn broke with my heart
But I woke up in your arms that held me hanging on
Hanging on in my own sweet time
In the gathering dark, in the gathering night
Warmth of heart, so hard to find
A fiery flame of golden light
I will kindle with my breath
And with all that I have left
I'll just keep hanging on
Hanging on in my own sweet time
Hold my hand and don't go looking back,
hold my hand, don't look back
I know a way to find an open track,
hold my hand, don't look back
All your hope is my hope,
all of your joy, my joy
All your tears are my tears,
all your loss, my void
I will tether your fear,
if you fall, I fall
Though our days get lost afar
There's an anchor in my heart that keeps me hanging on
Hanging on in my own sweet time
Hold my hand and don't go looking back,
hold my hand, don't look back
I know a way to find an open track,
hold my hand, don't look back
一珺 我们相识后
Some other day, when my morning comes,
I'll be the one that's waited all night
Some other day, when my morning comes,
I'll be the one that's waited all night
Some other day, when my morning comes,
I'll be the one that's waited all night
Some other day, when my morning comes,
I'll be the one that's waited all night
来世谁能决定 此生我必无悔
一珺 这一次我是认真的
认真的 真❤的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 02:07

Well there must have been a reason
For the smile that you had upon your face last night
Are you the cat that got the cream?
Did you lick your lips? Did you roll your eyes?
Can you imagine how it feels?
It's so hard to reveal, oh
I can't get through, I'm fallingI'm getting out, I'm losing ground
The Spanish Archer's gonna bring you downIs there someone, somewhere
Waiting in the wings to take my place?
Let's not drag it out, like a Cagney death scene
Oh, in this season of change, it's not hard to explain
Like the leaves on the trees, I'm fallingAnd as you turn, don't look away
The Spanish Archer's gonna make you payDo you remember when the sky was blue?
We used to talk for miles
And now we drive along, in this thundering silence
It's such an obvious lie, with that easy smile of yours
I'm letting go, and I'm fallingI'm getting out, losing ground
The Spanish Archer's gonna bring you downWell is there something I can say
As we stumble to the edge, have we gone too far?
Why don't we call it a day
Before we call it a nightmare, darlin'?
If we made a mistake, then all that it takes to be free
Is the wave of a hand and you're fallingAnd as you turn, don't look away
The Spanish Archer's gonna make you pay
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