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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-02 20:18



热心网友 时间:2023-05-03 05:03




  foremost ; lead ;

  [法] suprema ; paramount ; top-drawer

  网 络above all;main;principal;foremost



  Dave loves his wife very much: she means all the world to him.


  The distribution of KREEP rocks on the lunar surface is very important not only for studying the evolution of the moon, but also for evaluating the utilization prospect of REE in KREEP rocks.



  The most important time is now, the most important person is the person you are with, and the most important thing you can do is to care.


  For a social being, knowledge is important, ability is more important, but responsibility is the most important.


  What are the two most important tasks and issues related to this position?


  Chinese is the most important municative tool and cultural carrier.


  What is the most important new problem in the new situation of China today?


  Now in my eyes.The study is the mnst important,the jod is the most impartant.


  Start by identifying the top three technical risks and the top three functional areas in need of clarification.

  1. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill 成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。

  2. He is one of the most wanted criminals in Europe. 他是欧洲最重要的通缉犯之一。

  3. It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible. 最重要的是他要做到尽可能自然。

  4. Most of all I want to snare a hu *** and. 最重要的是,我想钓得一个金龟婿。

  5. The intellect is not the most important thing in life. 才智不是生活中最重要的东西。

  6. By far the most important issue for them is unemployment. 对他们来说最重要的无疑就是失业问题。

  7. Our big task for tomorrow .Wed.. is to get them exit visas. 明天星期三我们最重要的任务就是拿到他们的出境签证。

  8. Her sons are the most important thing in her life. 她生命中最重要的是她的儿子们。

  9. One of the most important changes concerns the investment of pension contributions. 最重要的一个变化涉及养老保险基金的投资。

  10. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision. 实际上写作过程中最重要的阶段是修改。

  11. The most important business was left to the last. 最重要的事留到最后来解决。

  12. Klein's most important work is called "Envy and Gratitude" 克莱因最重要的著作名为《嫉妒与感激》。

  13. Without doubt this was the most important relationship I developed at college. 这无疑是我在大学时期建立的最重要的关系了。

  14. Ecation is likely to be a key issue in the next election. 在下届选举中教育可能成为最重要的一个议题。

  15. The bottom line is that it's not profitable. 最重要的一点是它无利可图。

  16. Some of the most important questions remain unanswered. 最重要的一些问题依然没有答案。

  17. The most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise. 最重要的部分,即花朵,很少成为化石。

  18. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law. 尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。

  19. The central issue is that of widespread raci *** . 最重要的问题是种族主义的到处氾滥。

  20. This treaty is the centrepiece of the government's foreign policy. 这个条约是 *** 外交*最重要的一环。

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