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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-25 23:56



热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 09:00

Work experience:

15 years of work experience, including 12 years in banking, insurance, 3 years, proficient in banking and bank insurance.

 professional knowledge and skills:

 a wealth of banking experience, good supervision and a gold audit services;

 good with the bank staff at all levels to communicate, coordinate, has a strong channel to open up capacity;

 has extensive financial management experience, good communication with large customers, with outstanding customer to develop capabilities and customer service management capabilities;

 have a strong affinity and cohesion, and good at team building and team management;

 good staff training and the right bank-related training of personnel.

 Personality traits:

 self-confidence, perseverance, rich affinity

 good at learning

 willing to accept the challenge

 energy, enthusiasm high

 Professional license:

Insurance practitioners qualification, accounting practitioners qualifications, economist qualification certificates.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 09:00

Work experience:

15 years of work experience, including 12 years in banking, insurance, 3 years, proficient in banking and bank insurance.

 professional knowledge and skills:

 a wealth of banking experience, good supervision and a gold audit services;

 good with the bank staff at all levels to communicate, coordinate, has a strong channel to open up capacity;

 has extensive financial management experience, good communication with large customers, with outstanding customer to develop capabilities and customer service management capabilities;

 have a strong affinity and cohesion, and good at team building and team management;

 good staff training and the right bank-related training of personnel.

 Personality traits:

 self-confidence, perseverance, rich affinity

 good at learning

 willing to accept the challenge

 energy, enthusiasm high

 Professional license:

Insurance practitioners qualification, accounting practitioners qualifications, economist qualification certificates.

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