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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-25 05:36



热心网友 时间:2024-11-22 23:22

One of the great beyond the realistic writers. He doesn't like too, was born in America, but everywhere and his country, he published the book in the U.S. can. He originally published autobiographical trilogy "tropic", "black spring", "NaHuiGuiXian are first appeared in France.
H is probably a writer, he was called "rogue proletarians bards," this is the best of his own creation. The rebels tone, witty language, imagination, Bohemian life... His kindness, integrity, compassionate and unique ideas, but also puzzled, casually, shameless, JiERuQiu, reckless, pessimistic disappointment... Beverages, energetic, obscene, boisterous, careful meticulous, considerate, honest, honest lie terrible... Every time he will have the book gnawing sense of madness. I like many writers, like their words, narrative, through... But I never had such a man, and he worshipped the freedom, poverty wanton love, sharp and nowise show consideration. For his friend, for he crazy woman, experience and identity denied all things. Subtle feeling, bold creation technique, unbridled words... With a lot of adjectives can describe a writer

热心网友 时间:2024-11-22 23:22

A great writer than the real world. This point, however on his points, was born in the United States, but everywhere and against their own country to such an extent that his book is not published in the United States. His autobiography, published the first trilogy of "Tropic of Cancer", "Black Spring", "Capricorn" were first published in France.
H is about a writer, he was claiming to be "rogue minstrel of the proletariat", which is created by his own description of the best. Rebellious tone, witty language, abstract thought, bohemian life ... ... his integrity and kind-hearted, compassionate, and the pursuit of a unique opinion, but at the same time confused, with the casual, ignoble,疾恶如仇, reckless reckless, despair ... ... unscrupulous, energetic, filthy dirty, noisy love爱闹, careful and considerate, scrupulous, lying cheat, honesty was terrible ... ... every bite of his book will have a crazy sense of identity. I like a lot of writers, like their words, described the way through ... ... I have never had such a person worship, the freedom of his debauchery, poverty, love, intense and relentless. Dumping a friend for him, a woman in his madness, and agree to negate everything, experience everything. Feeling fine, bold creative way, wanton words ... ... can not use a lot of adjectives to describe a writer
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