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求电影《美少女啦啦队5》即第五部:战到最后一刻里 女主角lina穿着蓝色衣服和灰色裤跳舞 那是什么歌?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-18 08:22



热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 04:56

绝对是Footworkin—Keke Pamle,我听了按照歌词在google上搜到的,现在百度上可以下载,我已经下载了,这是歌词,你可以对对看



[Verse 1:]
I feel that cold wind blow (ready to heat it up)
Late night Chicago Heights get low
South Side put on that show (feel the music)
All my boys on the block say jukin (yeah y'all know)

Footworkin' in here tonight
Feel the beat gettin' me excited
We ridin' the hype
And I feel it comin' on
Footworkin' it takes you high
Wanna know how we do in the Chi
When we ridin' the hype
And I feel it comin' on

It ain't no thing just work it out (footwork)
Just bring your game show what you about (footwork)
It ain't no thing it's time to work it out
Watch ya feet work, watch ya head jerk, on ya tip toes kickin' up dirt with ya footwork

Footwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up
Footwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up

[Verse 2:]
Streetlights are comin' on (ain't no stoppin')
They hoppin' on the block (still goin' strong)
I love to see them boys break loose
When the beat drops, no I can't stop, cause my heart is in the groove

Footworkin' in here tonight
Feel the beat gettin' me excited
We ridin' the hype
And I feel it comin' on
Footworkin' it takes you high
Wanna know how we do in the Chi
When we ridin' the hype
And I feel it comin' on

It ain't no thing just work it out (footwork)
Just bring your game show what you about (footwork)
It ain't no thing it's time to work it out
Watch ya feet work, watch ya head jerk, on ya tip toes kickin' up dirt with ya footwork

Footwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up
Footwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up

Keep the Shuffle in the Rouge
Chicken Headin' in the Lou
And when I'm in the ATL we walk it out and snap it too
Cause they Crumpin' in LA, and they Jittin in the D, but if you steppin' in the Chi, then you
gotsta work ya feet

Footworkin' in here tonight
Feel the beat gettin' me excited
We ridin' the hype
And I feel it comin' on
Footworkin' it takes you high
Wanna know how we do in the Chi
When we ridin' the hype
And I feel it comin' on

It ain't no thing just work it out (footwork)
Just bring your game show what you about (footwork)
It ain't no thing it's time to work it out
Watch ya feet work, watch ya head jerk, on ya tip toes kickin' up dirt with ya footwork

Footwork, and freeze, now stomp, start it up start it up
Footwork, and freeze, start it up start it up
Footwork, and freeze, start it up start it up
Footwork, and freeze, start it up start it up
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