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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-27 21:10



热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 22:40

Changshu,a historical city regarded as "the international garden city" and "the Chinese clothing city", has a population of 1.05 million. It is located in the southeast part of Jiangsu Province, also in the prosperous district along the Yangtze River. To the east is Shanghai and to the south is Suzhou. On the west is Wuxi while the Yangtze River is on its northern border. It adjoins places such as (= Also located along its border are the famous) Hangzhou, Nanjing, Yangchow and so on..

Changshu has crystal clear waters and green hills, the scenery is beautiful and the weather is pleasant. Its average temperature is 6 degrees Celcius in winter and 27 in summer. It was named "Changshu" after the abundant harvest, year after year. It is nationally known for its beautiful mountains, scenic river, and abundant (natural) proces and resources.

In 1986 it was promulgated as "National City of History and Culture". In recent years, Changshu was successively named "National City of Health", "National City of Outstanding Tourism", "National City of Botanical Garden ", and " National Model City for Environmental Protection", and it was granted the first place in the "National Heritage Management" competition.

Changshu is a galaxy of outstanding persons. It is awarded " Home Town of the Chinese Guqin(古琴)" by the UNESCO (United Nations Ecational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and " Hometown of Chinese Folk Art" by the Ministry of Culture .

Since the capital construction by Zhongyong (仲雍), Changshu has a history of 3000 years. The Ancient City of Changshu, warmly welcomes guests from all over the world!
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