发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-28 03:21
热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 04:51
一封员工要求加薪的英文信以及老板的回信 , 我只想说——都是人才啊
Dear Bo $$ In thi $ life, we all need $ omething mo $ t de $ perately.I think you $ hould be under $ tanding of theneed $ ofu $ . worker $ whohave given $ o much $ upportincluding $ weat and $ erviceto yourcompany. I am $ ure you will gue $$ what I mean and re $ pond $ oon. Your $ $ incerely, Marian $ hih
Dear Marian
I k NO w you have been working very hard. NO wadays, NO thing much haschanged. You must have NO ticed that our company is NO t doing NO ticeably well asyet. NO w the newspaper aresaying the world`s leading eco NO mists are NO t sure if the United States may go into a NO ther recession. After the NO vemberpresidential elections things may turn bad. I have NO thing more to add NO w.You k NO w what I mean. Yourstruly, Manager