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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-23 20:17



懂视网 时间:2023-01-24 00:38



  Foreign exchange operation


  外汇交易是指买入一种货币并且同时卖出另一种货币的交易。 外汇市场是全世界最大的金融市场, 其日交易额超过1.9兆美元。 交易货币例如欧元/美元和美元/日元。 大多数货币交易均涉及到“主要货币”(包括美元, 欧元, 日元, 英镑, 瑞士法郎, 加元和澳元)。

  不同于其它金融市场, 外汇市场没有中央交易所。 借助于银行, 公司和个人交易者的电子网络, 外汇市场每天24小时均运行。 每天外汇交易从悉尼开始, 然后依次移到东京, 伦敦和纽约。 主要券商包括商业银行, 投资银行, 外汇期货交易者及注册外汇券商。

  forex basics

  Foreign Exchange

  Foreign exchange trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The foreign exchange market (Forex or FX) is the largest financial market in the world with a daily turnover of over .9 trillion. Examples of currency trading pairs are Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) and US Dollar/Japanese Yen (USD/JPY)。 Most currency transactions involve the “Majors” - US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar.

  Unlike other financial markets, the foreign exchange market has no physical location and no central exchange. The Forex market operates 24 hours a day through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individual traders. Forex trading begins every day in Sydney, then moves to Tokyo, followed by London and then New York. The major market makers, or dealers, consist of the commercial and investment banks, the exchange traded futures, and registered futures commission merchants such as FX Solutions. FX Solutions' dealing desk is open 24-hours a day from Sunday 16:00 EST to Friday 16:30 EST.


  Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money.


  Transmission from person to person as a medium of exchange; circulation:


  coins now in currency.


  General acceptance or use; prevalence:


  the currency of a slang term.



  外汇市场和外汇价格主要受到资金流动影响, 其次受到证券市场和债券市场的影响(例如: 经济状况, 政治状况, 尤其是利率, 货币膨胀)。 这些次要影响因素往往是短暂的。

  类似于其它金融产品, 外汇价格包括‘买入价’和‘卖出价'.

  买入价: 券商买入并且交易者卖出货币的价格。

  卖出价: 券商卖出并且交易者买入货币的价格。

  买入价与卖出价之间的差额称为“点差”. 我们为交易者提供最低的交易点差, 从而降低交易费用。 如果您要查看所有交易货币点差, 请点击这里。

  货币报价通常为4个小数位, 如: 欧元/美元的交易价为1.2400/1.2403. 大多数货币的交易最小单位是0.0001, 不过, 美元/日元的交易最小单位是0.01.

  Foreign Exchange Prices

  Foreign exchange markets and prices are mainly influenced by international trade flows and investment flows. The FX markets are also influenced, but to a lesser extent, by the same factors that influence the equity and bond markets: economic and political conditions especially interest rates, inflation, and political instability. Those factors usually have only a short-term impact, which makes Forex attractive as it offers some of the diversification necessary to protect against adverse movements in the equity and bond markets.{RM:NextPage}

  Foreign Exchange prices, or quotes, include a “Bid” and “Ask” similar to other financial products:

  Bid: Price at which Dealer is willing to Buy and Traders can Sell Currency

  Ask: Price at which Dealer will Sell and Traders can Buy Currency

  The difference between the Bid and Ask is called the “Spread”, which is the Trader's cost of the transaction. FX Solutions offers Traders the narrowest spreads in the retail Forex industry, thereby lowering transaction costs. For more information on the Spreads offered by FX Solutions click here.

  Currencies are usually quoted to four decimal places, such as the Euro/US Dollar trading at 1.2400/1.2403, with the last decimal place referred to as a point or “pip”. A pip for most currencies is 0.0001 of an exchange rate; the one exception is the USD/JPY quote in which each pip is equal to 0.01.


  A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services.



  To state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.



  A difference, as between two figures or totals.


  A position taken in two or more options or futures contracts in order to profit from a change in their relative prices.


  The difference between the price asked and bid for a particular security.



  A spot or a speck.



  外汇交易者通过技术面分析和基本面分析来作决定, 技术面交易者通过图表, 趋势线, 支撑点, 数学模型和其它方法来识别机会和进行交易决定。 基本面交易者通过分析经济信息来识别交易机会。

  Analysis of Foreign Exchange Markets

  Foreign exchange traders base their decisions on either technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Technical traders use charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, mathematical models and other means to identify opportunities and drive trading decisions. Fundamental traders identify trading opportunities by analyzing economic information.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 21:46

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热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 23:04

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foreign currency

热心网友 时间:2023-01-24 00:39

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foreign currency

热心网友 时间:2023-01-24 02:30

foreign exchange
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