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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-21 18:43



热心网友 时间:2023-01-21 20:12

Healthy Relationships
Nothing is as critical and crucial as the healthy relationships around us, let alone study or career, for the sake of people's life.
On one repect, family relationship plays an indispensable role in our daily life. The harmonious environment similar to a calm harbour in the violent ocean will promote the family' unity and thus create an active atmosphere for family member to communicate, entertain and relax. On the contrary, the quarrel and battles among the family will bring the family into the desert, which will divorce each other and even lead to serious injury both physically and mentally. Hence, It is an art to balance the relationship in the family.
On the other respect, it is also essential to keep a healthy social connection with the community and society. Friends are who we need confronted with difficulties, failure or adversities, who we can resort to and who we should treasure. Workmates and colleagues are those that work with us, endeavor with us and cooperate with us, the teamwork from whom will make tremendous achievement. Moreover, as the proverb goes, a good neighbor is better than a brother far off. Neighbours will give a hand to you in terms of facing some dangers or dilemmas.
To sum up, it is of profound significance to build healthy relationships with others. First and foremost, it is suggested that you are required to help others while they are in great need . Moreover, more communication will facilitate the improvement of relationships. Last but not the least, certain amount of entertainment, teamwork or other mutual experience with others will boost the relationship to a large extent.



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