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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-15 19:03



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:21

《孟母三迁》 《encius's mother》
Mencius when young, live near the grave. Mencius often like others funeral play.The mother sees this scene, said: "this place is not suitable to settle the son."Then he took Mencius moved to live near the market. However, Mencius and playbusinessman sale. The mother said: "here is not suitable to settle my son ".Then moved to college next to live. Mencius to advance and retreat towards the church rules as their own game. At this time, the mother said: "this is my son'splace for settle." So he settled down. Wait until the Mencius grow up, learn theArts (rites, music, archery, book number,,), eventually become saints. 手写翻译 希望可以满意

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:22

Chen Ping of the Western Han Dynasty and study hard "Chen Ping name, poverty is low, and brother together, in order to uphold his father, menting honor, not proction, study behind closed doors, but not by law, in order to eliminate her contradiction, face repeatedly humiliated, forbear from, as the eldest sister-in-law become aggravated, finally unbearable, home away from home, to rove all over the world, is brother to recover, and forgive, brother Hugh 's resistance, in the local pass from mouth to mouth with approbation. One old, come to lectures, free Shoutu, after graation, to assist Liu Bang, a lot of achievements management.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:22

悬梁刺股 The Han Dynasty there was a man named Sun Jing, childhood studious, he learned late at night every night, in order to avoid Fakun, with one end of the rope tied columns hair, tied on the beam. During the Warring States period, a man called Su Qin,want to do a big business, and study hard. Whenever the nightreading, he always loved nap. So, he in his sleep, with an awlstab to the thigh, to mention the spirit.
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