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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-16 02:34



热心网友 时间:2023-07-11 18:16


At present, the harm of Internet addiction mainly includes three aspects:

1、A waste of time。Game developers and Internet cafe operators have set up a large number of checkpoints and traps in the game in order to attract and retain guests。

Even if these student players fall into them step by step, they can't extricate themselves。Some students even stay up all night。

2、Hazardous to health。If you inlge in online games for a long time, you will lack interpersonal communication, resulting in autism。

If young people are addicted to online games for a long time, the left front brain will be greatly affected, further affecting the development of the right brain, which directly leads to sub-health status or insanity。

3、Personality alienation。Most online games take "attack, battle and competition" as the main components。

Playing racing, blasting, shooting and other games for a long time will have an impact on people's senses, making people blurred the distinction between reality and games。

Once such a vague state is formed, the consequences will be very terrible。






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