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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-13 11:44



热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 12:14

Davison says she had no idea that she



"I thought, I wonder if that baby I pulled out of that fire is still alive and kicking. So I just got on * and looked her name up and there she was," the 61-year-old said. "I thought it would be fun to say hi."

Davison says she had no idea that she had come so close to death at such a young age until Hughes reached out to her. But she said that once her shock at the news wore off, she felt thankful that "someone like that, who saved me, cared enough" to find out what had become of her. "I feel like I owe him a lot,” the teen added. Since making that initial connection, Hughes and Davison have kept in touch, chatting over * and meeting in person on occasion.

For her graation, Davison says she knew she wanted her hero to be there. “It’s really emotional," Davison said through tears. "I don't know really how to describe it, they're happy tears, to realize some things could have gone wrong."

Peters, a single mom, helped her son launch his website and signed him up for business classes after school. “You have to nurture kids when they come up with ideas and you have to pay attention to everything that they say because they’re telling you how to groom them to be a better version of themselves,” she said.
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