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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-15 06:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:20

This is probably the most beautiful places and most spectacular in the world that is very rarely seen before. From the beauty of Antarctica
the cities above the clouds
hidden beaches are spectacular
and other places.
1. Top of the world 世界之巅
The picture above
is the top Himalayas
Tibet. This is the highest point on the entire pla. With an amazing sun light
Himalayan peaks look like a place outside the Earth.
2. Mysterious Rays in the North北极光
Rays of “Aurora Borealis” It looks spectacular in the skies of Alaska. Aurora is the light that occur naturally in space e to collisions beeen particles of the earth’s magic field with atoms and molecules of the earth’s atmosphere. Frequent color is green and red. Aurora can be seen at night.
3. Colorful town色彩之镇
Cinque Terre
Riviera is a very popular tourist city in Italy. The old town is very unique. Each building is dominated by bright colors that are not monly used. However
This is where the beauty of this city. Located on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea makes the seafood there is very special.
4. The “Wizard” School巫师学校
A university in Quebec
Canada with incredible scenery. The Great waterfall in front the campus just make this university the most unique location for an university. The model of buildings like the royal buildings. Only one deficiency of the campus
there is no weling Banner “Wele to wizard’s campus”.
5. The Lost City of Inca印加失落之城
This is Machu Picchu
The Lost city of the Inca civilization. Located in Urumba Valley
Peru. The town is built on top of Inca glory year (1460).
6. Rock Tsunami岩石海啸
A super unique of rock formations called Massif De La Chartreuse at the eastern mountain of France. Rock formations look like a big wave or tsunami.
这是在法国东边山脉所形成的叫“Massif De La Chartreuse ”的超奇特岩石,它的形状就像是大海浪或者海啸翻腾时的样子。
7. City inside Mountain山中之城
Picture above is the lost city in Petra
Jordan. Built with a perfect defense against external attacks and sand storms. Very impressive
considering that this city was built in ancient times when the machine is not created yet.
8. Navagio Bay
9. International Space Station
The astronauts were in STS116 mission on the International Space Station
3600 miles above New Zealand. The scenery was quite spectacular.
10. The Silence Ice沉寂的冰块
This Beautiful scenery but a little scary is located at the end of the world
North Pole. With very clear water and no waves
you can see the shadow of the block of ice at the bottom of the sea.
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