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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-11 15:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:18

Aircraft is composed of a lot of precision equipment, each link mutually depend on mutual agreement, so that the smooth safe fly to heaven, and the land of peace.The plane fly in the sky, unlike the dependence of the car on the road with the road, the safe operation of the system error.
This article through to the understanding of the aircraft hydraulic system pipeline, the analysis of aircraft hydraulic system the causes of oil contamination in the pipeline, to understand the importance of airplane hydraulic system clean.
In the past, the aircraft hydraulic system pipeline cleaning is to use the machine cleaning method, large systems and cleaning, the main hydraulic system, power hydraulic system, emergency oil drain system.These systems after the cleaning is safely in the whole plane.Is suitable for the cleaning method of assembly line proction, the plane the whole proction cycle will not have much impact, but the cleaning method can cause a lot of places not thoroughly clean, to proce the cavity.
Now, the aircraft hydraulic system pipeline cleaning by subsection cleaning parts, the cleaning method is the way to big system before refining into several blocks, such as the primary system can be divided into: before the main landing gear, gear, etc., after cleaning.The cleaning method is synchronized in aircraft installation, when a part that can start cleaning after installation is complete, the system line cleaning efficiency is also improved.
From the past find lack of airplane hydraulic system pipeline cleaning method, using the dedicated system pipeline cleaning equipment to the aircraft hydraulic system, to master the use of the equipment, cleaning pipe connections, through to the pipeline cleaning to rece system
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