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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-07 14:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 17:18

美国黑人历史 英文

美国黑人历史在网上有很多这方面的资料。 一般美国老师都会布置一个特定的题目比如某个时段或某个区域。 如果只是要全面的一个概括我这里倒是有一篇。这篇文章是美国知名黑人作家Melvia F Miller写的。 希望对你有帮助。


By Melvia F Miller

FEBRUARY is Black History Month

Learning more about African American History can help elevate one's self-esteem and "race-esteem."


Since ancient civilizations in Africa --and up until modern times, Black people (aka: Negroes, African-Americans, Nubians, etc.) have contributed to the development of civilization via the creation and invention of millions of procts, machines, and gadgets that have made life a lot easier.

In fact, Black Americans and their quest for Civil Rights: freedom, justice and equality-- actually made this nation live up to its Constitution and creeds of "equality"---when White people wanted to practice "racial oppression."

Dr. Carter Woodson began the celebration of "Negro History Week" in 1925 for the purpose of honoring and acknowledging the true builders of the U.S.A. Since then, people all across the U.S.A. observe BLACK HISTORY MONTH ring February.


1.Munich is also known as Ming Hing, is the capital of bavaria. Munich is divided into two parts of old town and new town, the total area of 310 square kilometers. In 2010 the population of 1300000, is the largest city in southern Germany, Germany's third largest city (after Berlin and Hamburg); metropolitan area population reached 2700000.

2.Munich is located in southern Germany North of the Alps of the ISAR River, is one of the major German economy, culture, science and technology and transportation center, is one of Europe's most prosperous city. Munich also retains the simple style of the original capital of the kingdom of Bavaria, it was known as the "millions of people in the village". Biological engineering, software and service center. With the pany's headquarters and the headquarters of many Multi-National Corporation in europe.

3.Munich is Germany's second largest financial center (after Frankfurt), Munich is the largest publishing center has one of the largest in Europe, "the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung", as well as many.

4.Munich personal independence of conct and royal style, but also has the wild side. This is probably the only one of the new and the old, conservative and innovation of fierce collision, the negotiations in the world war ii.


对黑人的称呼,英语中以前用Negro,本为西班牙语“黑”的意思,但长期沿用下来有强烈的蔑视色彩。有些历史悠久的黑人团体,至今还沿用这个单词。例如:United Negro College Fund

美国媒体现在通用的名称是: African American, (非洲裔美国人)。 Black 也可以接受。Nigger 则完全是贬义词。但是,有些黑人之间,也互相用这个单词称呼。

以前黑人牙膏的英文名字是Darkie。因为是轻蔑黑肤色人种的称呼,所以改名为Darlie。1985年,黑人牙膏的台湾公司 Hawley & Hazel 被美国 Colgate-Palmolive 公司买下之后才改变了黑人牙膏的英文名。黑人牙膏除了以前的英文名Darkie之外,包装盒上凶巴巴的黑面容露着大门牙也改了。不过包装盒上的黑人图片并不是黑人而是美国19世纪末演Minstral戏在脸上抹黑鞋油的白人而美国19世纪末的Mistral戏主要是表演黑种人愚蠢,懒惰,迷信,只会天天无事地跳舞和唱歌。


英文名称:Belarus 白俄罗斯全称"白俄罗斯共和国",位于东欧平原,在原苏联欧洲部分西部。

国名源于 民族 名。14世纪始见史籍。

其名称由来,一说作为斯拉夫族东支的白俄罗斯人,比俄罗斯 人、乌 克兰人保留更纯的古斯拉夫人的血统和特点,故白俄罗斯可释为"纯的罗斯人"。 一说古代 该民族喜穿漂白的亚麻布服装和用白布绑腿,故而得名。

一说白俄罗斯人是从鞑 靼人的统 治 下解放出来的,白寓有自由或解放的意思。白俄罗斯的祖先为公元初居住在第 聂伯河中游的 维亚季奇人,以及6至7世纪时来自西部的拉季米奇人、德列戈维奇人。

9 世纪,由若干东斯 拉夫部落结成古罗斯部族,并建立基辅罗斯大公国;12至14世纪* 成白俄罗斯、乌克兰和 俄罗斯三部分;1569年与波兰合并;18世纪末,被沙俄兼并;1917 年11月建立苏维埃政权; 1919年1月1日成立"白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国";1922 年12月30日白俄罗斯作为创始 国 加入苏联;1990年7月27日发表" *** 宣言";1991 年8月25日白俄罗斯宣布独立,同年9月1 9日将白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国改名为 "白俄罗斯共和国",12月8日作为创始国加入 独立国家联合体。 没有黑俄罗斯。


起因是:罗萨.派克斯在蒙哥马利的公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座事件Rosa Parks(Born 1913) (见于美国传统词典)American civil rights leader. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, resulted in a city-wide *** of the bus pany and stirred the civil rights movement across the nation.罗萨.派克斯:(生于1913) 美国民权领导人,她因在美国阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的公共汽车上拒绝让座给一个白人,而引起了全市范围汽车公司的联合 *** ,激起了全国的民权运动.On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks (the "mother of the Civil Rights Movement") refused to get up out of her seat on a public bus to make room for white passengers. Rosa was arrested, tried, and convicted for disorderly conct and violating a local ordinance. After word of this incident reached the black munity, 50 African-American leaders gathered and anized the Montgomery Bus Boycott to protest the segregation of blacks and whites on public buses. The *** lasted for 382 days (1956 was a leap year), until the local ordinance segregating African-Americans and whites on public buses was lifted.领导人是:马丁.路德.金Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.The most important step forward was in Montgomery, Alabama, where longtime NAACP activists Rosa Parks and Edgar Nixon prevailed on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1956. Activists and church leaders in other munities, such as Baton Rouge, Louisiana, had used the *** in recent years, although those efforts often withered away after a few days. In Montgomery, on the other hand, the Montgomery Improvement Association created to lead the *** managed to keep the *** going for over a year until a federal court order required Montgomery to desegregate its buses. The success in Montgomery made King a nationally known figure and triggered other bus *** s, such as the highly successful Tallahassee, Florida *** of 1956-1957.。



读音:英 ['hjuːmərəs] 美 ['hjuːmərəs]

释义:adj. 幽默的;诙谐的


1、He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.


2、Indeed he has a solemn face, but he is very humorous at heart.


3、From the story, we can see that the wisdom and humorous side of a good leader.










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