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英语介绍十二星座 大约300字*12 不要求原创

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-09 21:30



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 01:36

In astrology, horoscope refers to twelve equal areas of the zodiac division. Western astrology that phenomena according to the "upstream, efficient" principle to reflect, dominate the human activities, so the twelve constellation represents twelve basic personality types or emotional traits. It tries to use the birth, birth time and the position of the heavenly bodies to explain people's personality and fate.
The Sun Sign Astrology is the most often mentioned, just know a person's date of birth, you can find out which his sun sign. The sun track known as the ecliptic, the ecliptic into 12 districts, each district is 30 degrees, these 12 areas are what we call the sun sign. The twelve signs of the zodiac as a starting point to the vernal equinox, the sun around March 20th every year to the vernal equinox began sorting are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Each person belongs to only one sun sign, because of the sun into the palace of time is different, if the birthday in the constellation junction, to check the astronomical calendar to determine their sun sign, will not appear across the two sun signs. That way the Sun Sign Astrology representative natural personality, willpower, self expression. The sun sign we can have a basic understanding of a person, but to really know a person, in addition to the sun sign, but also to see the sun and other stars, and the point of view, even if the sun signs, house and angle is different, influenced by Sun Star City is not the same the human personality, so not only twelve kinds of classification.

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