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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-11 13:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 05:40

That we can not have looked down on strain is to arouse artificial wrong lurking cause.
Being in charge of state is vigilance state , vigilance and strain are a direct relevance couplet.
Vigilance is the most active state of cerebrum; Vigilance can make us make sober decision to should what to show solicitude for and what to remove in the environment; Our vigilance degree decides our job degree good and bad; Our job will also be damaged obviously no matter when vigilance accepts weary effect,; The vigilance dramaticism field varies with with time.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 05:40


We can not underestimate the fatigue is caused by the underlying causes of human error.
Regulatory state is a state of vigilance, alertness and fatigue is directly associated.
Awareness is the most active state of the brain; vigilance will enable us on the surrounding environment and the exclusion of the concern about what the decision of what to make clear; we decided to alert the extent of the extent of our work, good or bad; vigilant at all times subject to fatigue, we will also significantly affected by damage; alert dramatically change over time.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 05:41

We cannot neglect the fact that fatigue is the underlying cause of human error.
The state of supervision is a state of alertness, and alertness is directly correlated to fatigue.
Alertness prevails when the brain is at the most active state, it let us clearly decide what to concentrate on and what to neglect in the surroundings; the level of our alertness determines the quality of our work; fatigue affects alertness at all times and obviously it impairs our work; alertness dramatically fluctuates with time.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 05:41

We can not underestimate the fatigue is caused by the underlying causes of human error.
Regulatory state is a state of vigilance, alertness and fatigue is directly associated.
Awareness is the most active state of the brain; vigilance will enable us on the surrounding environment and the exclusion of the concern about what the decision of what to make clear; we decided to alert the extent of the extent of our work, good or bad; vigilant at all times subject to fatigue, we will also significantly affected by damage; alert dramatically change over time.
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