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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-16 19:03



热心网友 时间:2023-05-15 01:09

After the Olympics, the Paralympics has now successfully concluded. In China, people said PARALYMPIC "Paralympic Games" (the words without translation), but now many people do not think it is appropriate. This too directly harm some of the names of people with self-esteem.
Previously, the United States that people with disabilities to "handi-capped", "disable people"
Now many people called "differentlyabled". In Hong Kong, said the disabled people as "persons with disabilities" (This six words without translation), in many parts of Asia, people said PARALYMPIC "Pago Games" (the words without translation).
I believe that China should now do something about it, changed its name to the Paralympics, a more subtle choice of a more appropriate name, to give people with more respect and more caring.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-15 01:09

That Chinese name Olympiad spoiling oersted of meeting be injured afterwards, now may be over
also successfully oersted. Say PARALYMPIC is "to spoil oersted of meeting " (this three
characters have no need of translation), but many people thinks that this is no proper now in
China , people. This excessive direct first name has hurt the physically handicapped
self-respect of part.
Previously, USA calls a deformed man handi-capped " ", the disable people " ", many people switches
over to fit "differentlyabled" now. Say the deformed man is that "the body and mind hinders the
personage " (this six characters have no need of translation) , a lot of area , people all say
PARALYMPIC is that the handkerchief transports a meeting in Asia in Hong Kong , people" "(this
three characters have no need of translation). I think that China should do point now, what, being
remaining may change the name oersted , choose a more implicit more proper first name , give a
deformed man more respecting , more showing solicitude.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-15 01:10

The CHINESE name of paralympic
Following the Olympic, the paralympic has also successfully concluded.
In china, people call it "残运会",while many regard it as unsuitable.This direct name may make part of the differentlyabled uncomfortable.
Years ago,thay are called "handi-capped","diasabled people" in American,but now"differentlyabled".In HongKong ,they are called"身心障碍人士",and in many areas of Asia,the PARALYMPIC is reffered to as "帕运会"。
I think china should pay more attention to the chinese name of paralymic,such as choosing a more suitable one, to show more respect to those differentlyabled.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-15 01:10

After the Olympics,now Paralympic also successfully finished.In China, the people called “残奥会”as PARALYMPIC,but now many people thought that this is inappropriate. This excessively direct name has harm the partial disabled person's self-respect.
Before, the US called the disabled person is"handi-capped "," disable people",now many people rename as“differentlyabled”. In Hong Kong, the people called the disabled person as“身心障碍人士”,In Asia's many areas, the people called PARALYMPIC as"帕运会".
I believed that China should do something now, changes the name of Paralympic,and choose a more implicit and more appropriate name, gives the disabled person more respects,and more concerns.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-15 01:11

Paralympic Games
After the Olympics, the Paralympics has now successfully concluded. In China, people said PARALYMPIC "Paralympic Games" (the words without translation), but now many people do not think it is appropriate. This too directly harm some of the names of people with self-esteem.
Previously, the United States that people with disabilities to "handi-capped", "disable people"
Now many people called "differentlyabled". In Hong Kong, said the disabled people as "persons with disabilities" in many parts of Asia, people said PARALYMPIC "Pago Yun"
I believe that China should now do something about it, changed its name to the Paralympics, a more subtle choice of a more appropriate name, to give people with more respect and more caring.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-15 01:12

That Chinese name Olympiad spoiling oersted of meeting be injured afterwards, now may be over also successfully oersted. Say PARALYMPIC is "to spoil oersted of meeting ", but many people thinks that this is no proper now in China , people. This excessive direct first name has hurt the physically handicapped self-respect of part. USA says the deformed man is handi-capped " ", disable people previously" ", many people switches over to fit "differentlyabled" now. Say the deformed man is that "the body and mind hinders a personage " , a lot of area , people all say PARALYMPIC is that the handkerchief transports a meeting "in Asia in Hong Kong , people". I think that China should do point now, what, being remaining may change the name oersted , choose a more implicit more proper first name , give a deformed man more respecting , more showing solicitude.
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