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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-16 19:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 05:24

The Bai people hold the colour white in high esteem and call themselves "Baipzix" (pɛ42 tsi33; Baizi 白子), "Baip'ho" (pɛ42 xo44; Baihuo 白伙), "Baip yinl" (pɛ42 ji21; Baini 白尼), or "Miep jiax". Baip people literally means 'white people' in Chinese. In 1956, the Chinese authorities named them the Bai nationality according to their preference.
Historically, the Bai had also been called Minjia (民家) by the Chinese from the 14th century to 1949.[2] Minjia means civil people and natives, as opposite to Junjia (军家), which means the military people who were Han Chinese.
The origin of the name Bai is not clear, but most scholars believe that it has a strong connection to the first state Bai people built in roughly the 3rd century. This state, called Baizi Guo (白子国; State of Bai), was not documented in Chinese orthodox history but was frequently mentioned in the oral history of Yunnan Province. It was believed to be built by the first king, Longyouna (龙佑那), who was given the family name "Zhang" (张) by Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the state of Shu Han (221–263 CE). Zhuge Liang conquered the Dali region at that time and picked up Longyouna and assisted him in building the State of Bai. The State of Bai was located in present-day Mi County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.[3]
Bai people live mostly in the provinces of Yunnan (Dali area), and in neighboring Guizhou (Bijie area) and Hunan (Sangarea) provinces. Of the 2 million Bai people, eighty percent live in concentrated communities in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province.[4]
The origin of Bai was heavily debated over roughly the past century. Ironically those debates were of the groups of people who were assimilated into Bai, rather than the issue per se. According to archaeological excavations around the Lake Erhai, Bai people were originated in the lake area. The earliest human site was discovered in the early 20th century, which was called the paleolithic Malong relics of Mt. Cangshan (苍山马龙遗址), dated circa 4000 bp. The late sites include Haimenkou of Jianchuan (剑川海门口,3000 bp), Baiyangcun of Binchuan (宾川白羊村, 3500 bp), and Dabona of Xiangyun(祥云大波那, 2350 bp).
An estimated 1,240,000 (as of 2003) of the Bai speak the Bai language in all its varieties. The tongue is either a member of the Sinitic branch or the Tibeto-Burman branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family or possibly part of an independent branch of this family. The Bai call themselves Baizi, Baini, or Baihuo. They have 60 other names, including the Han term Minjia (for the Bai in Dali). In the Tang and Song Dynasty, Bai was written using Chinese characters in a manner similar to the way in which the Man'yōgana (万叶假名) were used to write Japanese. A Latin-based writing system was developed in 1957.
以上是从维基百科粘贴过来的,具体请参见: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bai_people

The Bai people hold the colour white in high esteem and call themselves "Baipzix" (pɛ42 tsi33; Baizi 白子), "Baip'ho" (pɛ42 xo44; Baihuo 白伙), "Baip yinl" (pɛ42 ji21; Baini 白尼), or "Miep jiax". Baip people literally means 'white people'...

求一份少数民族的英语介绍,只要一个民族的就行,两三分钟的长度_百度知 ...


帮忙翻译一段话 关于白族扎染

Tie dyed cloth is the unique technology of Bai nationality in China products are handmade by Bai people. Its needle-suture and ligation process by hand, made with vegetable dye repeatedly exposed to cold formed products are not only colorful, never fade, and anti-inflammatory health ...

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3.dali bai nationality autonomous prefecture


chongsheng temple three towers and other attractions are the most representative.中文翻译:大理白族自治州地处云南省中部偏西,海拔2090米,东邻楚雄州,南靠普洱市、临沧市,西与保山市、怒江州相连,北接丽江市。地跨东经98°52′~101°03′,北纬24°41′~26°42′之间,东巡洱海,西及点苍山...


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Yang Liping, Bai people , comes from Yunnan , Dali. She never went to any dancing school , although she fell in love with dancing since a very young age.In 1971,she was accepted by the Xishuangbanna Prefecture song and Dance Ensemble straightly from village. In 1986,she wrote...

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