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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-16 15:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 14:49

Yesterday, a burglar broke into my neighbor's house in broad daylight and walked away with all the valuables he could find. My neighbor returned home from work in the evening and called 911 to report the burglary. The operator asked him to calm down and then got him through to the local police station. My neighbor was instructed to stay put and keep everything extactly so until the cops came over. A little later on, one detective, along with two police officers stopped by, who checked over the entire house inch by inch and ended up finding some clues. They soon concluded that the burglar committed the crime on his own and might be an old hand to be reckoned with. So the detective decided to call on his narks for help. Three days later, one of the narks told on the burglar and the information led the cops up to the burglar's hiding place. Then the detective tracked the burglar down at a local casino, where he was in the middle of picking on a thug for money. The end.
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