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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-18 04:27



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 20:10


I repeat: I will never hurt a child. What about my false media writing makes me dislike.


As long as there is love in the heart, it will not be lost.


I'm just like the ordinary people. The injured will bleed, also easily embarrassed.


Beat me, hate me, and never break me! Will me, threaten me, you can never beat me!


The meaning of life is contained in every exPssion of life, which is embodied in the infinite extension of form and exPssion, and exists in all creation.


Planet earth, gentle and blue, with all my heart, love you.


When a world is full of hate, we must still dare to hope. When a world is full of anger, we must still dare to comfort. When a world is full of despair, we must still dare to dream. In a world filled with suspicion, we must still dare to believe.


I wonder why people have misunderstood me so much.


If you come to this world with love, if you take the same move to leave, then your life is not what you encounter.


I'm a vegetarian now, and I'm a lot thinner. I've been on a strict diet for years. I feel healthier and more active than ever before.


For the grace of your love, I would rather have the humility to enjoy.


A lie is good at a sprint but the truth is good at a marathon. In court the truth will win the trial.


In a world filled with hate, we still have hope. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.


I know I'm different from most of my peers, because I've had a lot of experience. But I'm not mad, I'm not crazy, people just don't understand me.


I am not to be God, but to let the light of God shine in my heart.


The most effective way to receive ecation is to be in the field, to see how the masters are created.


Printing a written law does not mean that they are the truth.


I love you。 Promise me, you will always love me.


What you are really looking for is unconditional love and complete tolerance.


No matter how much money you make, no matter how famous you are, you still feel empty. What you are really looking for is unconditional love and complete tolerance.


If you want the world to be better, look at yourself, and then make a change.


Strive to do the best, can not be second or third. As long as you choose this path, you must do your best.


I love my fans, they are the reason why I was in front of the public. When I went out to play, I saw them singing and dancing, which was the most fun thing to do. It really is the best feeling in the world.


Children with a happy smile, told me that this gift is innate. This kind of simple goodness shines in their heart, shines, the eternal existence.


I am blessed with the gift and I am happy to give it back to the world: the joy of harmony between man and nature through my music and dance.


There are mother's day, father's day, but no children's day. I think there should be such a festival, it is of great significance for world peace.


I feel like an old man before I step into a teenager.


People who know me know the truth about things, and that is the most important part of my life, and I will never hurt any of them.


If I don't work for a week, I think I'm lazy, and I'm left behind. I like to have vitality and creativity of life -- I constantly exploring the trends of tomorrow, inquire about the future, the important point is to keep pace with the times.


When I write my name on the song I do, sometimes, I feel a sense of guilt. I write them, complete the rhythm, lyrics, melody, but they are still a masterpiece of God.


I pray for everyone.


I remember when I was on my way to the studio, there was a park across the street. I can see the children playing there, this scene makes me sad to cry, because I have to go to work.


In a world filled with hate, we must still full of hope; in a world filled with despair, we still have to dare to dream and when a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.


Only uphold the faith with water to nourish the land, groundwater can be regarded as a wealth of land owners.


They said I had bleached my skin, and I tried every means to discredit me! When I was standing in front of the mirror, I knew I was a black man!


That's why I don't want to get the credit for my lyrics. I believe in a place where these words have already been done, and I am responsible for bringing them to the world as a correspondent. I believe in God's glory.


Let us dream of tomorrow, there are from the bottom of my heart leapt up from the love, we will understand a truth, love is like a heart of full of creativity.
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