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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-15 06:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 11:17

注意there be句型,要就近原则
1.Is the case heavy?
2.There are many clothes in the closet.
3.There is a hammer on the table.
4.Is there a car on the bridge?
5. There is a chair in front of the house.
6. Can you speak English?
7.Are there any tea-leaves in the teapot?
(因为tea既可指泡好的茶汤,又可指茶叶,会引起歧义,故用tea-leaves 表茶叶)
8.There is a passport on the bed.
9.Give me half a pound of tea.祈使句

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 11:18

1 Is that box heavy?
2 There is many clothes in the closet .
3 There is a hammer on the desk .
4 Is there any car over the bridge ?
5 There is an armchair in front of the house .
6 Could you speak some English ?some 可去掉,也可译为:Can you talk about things in English ?
7 Is there any tea-leaves in this teapot ?
8 There is a passport on the bed . 注:in bed有卧床睡觉休息的意思,on the bed是(放置)在床上(表面)的意思
9 Please give me half a pound of tea-leaves(或 tea)


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 11:18

1、The box is heavy?
2、Many clothes are in the closet.
3、On the table there is a hammer.
4、The bridge has a car?
5、There is a chair in front of the house.
6、Do you speak English?
7、This teapot with tea?
8、The bed has a passport.
9、Give me half a pound of tea.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 11:19

1. Is the case heavy?
2. There are a lot of clothes in the closet.
3. There is one hammer on the desk.
4. Is there a care on the bridge?
5. There is one chair in front of the house.
6. Can you speak English?
7. Is there tea inside of the tea pot?
8. There is one passport on the bed.
9. Give me half a pound tea.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 11:19

Is that box heavy?
There are many clothes in the wardrobe.
There is a hammer on the table.
Is there a car on the bridge?
There is a chair in front of the house.
Can you speak Engish?
Is there any tea in the teapot?
There is a passport on the bed.
Give me half a pound of tea.
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