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manufacture of record 什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-16 08:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 09:43

manufacture of record
vt.加工; 制造,生产; 捏造,虚构; 从事制造;
n.制造; 制成品,产品; 工业,工厂; (文学作品等的)粗制滥造;
This is mostly because of the energy used to manufacture, transport and operate such equipment.
manufacture of record 什么意思

manufacture of record 制作记录 manufacture[英][ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)][美][ˌmænjəˈfæktʃɚ]vt.加工; 制造,生产; 捏造,虚构; 从事制造;n.制造; 制成品,产品; 工业,工厂; (文学作品等的)粗制滥造;第...


the treasury accounts record a payment to the local barber for a supply of aqua vitae for the king's pleasure. The reference to the barber is not surprising. In 1505,


of record,it used to be called “Cabinetry”as well as “Particle-wood Furniture”.Till the middle of Ming dynasty,it trended to use rosewood and those like that as staples.People at that time called that fantastic-figured wood “Wen wood”.As ...


make的三种用法如下:(1) make sth. (to do sth.) 意为“制造某物”。It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.制作摇滚唱片并不要求你非得绝顶聪明。(2) make sb. sth. / make sth. for sb. 意为“为某人制作某物”。They made me repeat the whole story.迫使;...


过期会罚款USD5000.内容如下: Arrow Speed Line, Inc 9550 Flair Drive, suite # 532, El Monte, CA 91731 Tel: 626-401-1102 Fax: 626-401-1107ISF 10 Plus 2 Filing Form 3 HBL # 6. Importer of Record Number IRS#/EIN/SS# - DUNS# 7. Consignee Info IRS#/EIN/SS# -...


Cake tea is the most ancient form of manufacture of tea and it has come down through hundreds of years to the present time. A method of preparing this tea was described by Lu Yu in the first book on tea, published in China about the year 780 A.D. In cake form it is interesting ...


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is deserves to do greatly. I like him mainly having 3 reasons. his scene is magnificent. Picture very only beautiful. "Evil spirit Abstention" the great writer has been doomed its picture excellent. Director Peter's earnest manner lets this movie set the record of record - - cut...

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Vasco Data Security is a leading provider of strong authentication products, founded in 1997 and listed on NASDAQ under the symbol VDSI. Specializing in password technology and product development, Vasco was the first to manufacture hardware processors for DES and RSA, establishing its ...


Cake tea is the most ancient form of manufacture of tea and it has come down through hundreds of years to the present time. A method of preparing this tea was described by Lu Yu in the first book on tea, published in China about the year 780 A.D. In cake form it is interesting ...

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2024年小麦价格多少钱一斤 酸甜口味的凉拌菜如何制作? 小麦价格什么时候涨 明年小麦还会继续上涨吗 怎么做家常韭菜烧豆腐? 家常烧豆腐块怎么做? 单核CPU512内存 加内存会让电脑运行快吗 我的电脑配置 CPU AMD速龙 双核 3600+ 内存 512MB 显卡64M 什么情况... 我的cpu是AMD Sempron 3000+的 内存是512M 显示卡是 Radeon X300/X550/... 我的电脑是双核CPU 2G内存 512独显 怎样才能加快电脑运行速度 manufacture 可数吗 二年级音乐有哪些歌曲? 心若沉浮,浅笑安然!闭上双眼,体会属于夜晚的宁静!怎么接下句 高中生关于元旦的手抄报 小学生元旦手抄报 接下去。你若盛开,清风自来。心若浮沉,浅笑安然。 厦门中山公园现在开放吗 2018年高中生春节手抄报设计与制作方法 高中有关春节的手抄报 春节的手抄报 高中关于新年的手抄报 新年的手抄报 中班美术活动雨伞教案 NOSSON这部手机是不是安卓数据头的? 搜狐里看视频怎么让大屏变小 如何用卡刷的糖果盒子一刷出来就给你糖 小火箭上天中班教案 与奶奶一起走过的日子作文 关于感谢老师的作文400字 我的老师 用1立方厘米的正方体木块摆了一个物体,下面是从不同方向看到的图形。这个物体的体积是多少立方厘米? 用一立方厘米的正方体可以摆成如下图的长方体正方正好可以装满右边的塑料盒子 用几个体积是1立方厘米的正方体木块 用体积是1立方厘米的小正方体木块,堆成一个体积是1立方米的大正方体,需要多少个小正方体木块?如果把这些小 我想看一下苹果树长什么样子? 盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也.翻译 形容景色非常美丽的四字成语有哪些 广州天河区体育学院附近停车场收费标准是多少 广州天河城停车场收费标准2022 请问 广州天河体育中心 体育西 露天停车场价格 古诗 什么竹溪村路板桥斜 前面一句是什么 广州天河体育中心 西门路天停车场多少钱? 如何将古诗《雨过山村》改写成通顺的现代文? 广州体育学院停车场收费标准 夜雨寄北的古诗。大林寺桃花的古诗。雨过山村的古诗。是什么? 求:2000年小学一年级语文课文!怀念… 有没有谁知道一句描写安静的水的诗句,求 静水流深诗句 失望唯美话语 经典唯美失望的情感语录? 浅谈教学中怎样与学生沟通 绘本分享——《月亮的味道》 玉龙雪山甘海子海拔多少米 玉龙雪山景区售票处怎么到甘海子