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csi ny 里扮演SID的演员是谁?求详细资料

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-14 17:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:02

加拿大演员罗勃特·乔伊[Robert Joy]
Robert Joy

Canadian actor.

Joy was born in Montreal, Quebec, but grew up in Newfoundl.He is the son of Flora Louise (née Pike) Clifton Joseph Joy.He attended Corpus Christi College, Oxford Memorial University of Newfoundl.

Joy played Madonnas punk musician boyfriend Jim in 1985s Desperately Seeking Susan. In 1998, Joy appeared in Gregory Hoblits thriller Fallen, where he fit into the all star cast that included Denzel Washington, Donald Sutherl, James Golfini John Goodman. In 2004, Joy made an appearance on an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond entitled "Allys F" as Allys math teacher, Mr. Putnam.

Starting in fall 2005, he joined NBC television show, E-Ring is now a regular on CSI: NY. Joy recently had a lead role as the simple-minded sharpshooter Charlie in George A. Romeros latest zombie movie, L of the Dead. In 2006 he appeared onscreen in Alexre Ajas remake of The Hills Have Eyes where he portrays a mutant named Lizard. He also starred as Ted Bedworth, father of Samaire Armstrongs acter Nell Bedworth, in the 2006 romantic comedy Its a Boy/Girl Thing. He appeared as Dr. Stephen Hawking in the film comedy, Superhero Movie in 2008.

He played the acter of Colonel Stevens in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

In addition to his acting, Joy was frequently associated with the Newfoundl based CODCO, working with the comedy troupe on many of their pre-television stage shows appearing as a guest performer in the series. He also co-starred in the 1986 Andy Jones film, The Adventure of Faustus Bidgood, the only film that features the entire cast of CODCO.


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