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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-17 09:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 17:27


drive at 意指;想说;打算

What on earth are you driving at? 你究竟是什么意思?

I couldn’t make out what he was driving at. 我弄不清他是什么意思。

fire (…) at 向……开火(射击)

We fired our guns at the enemy. 我们向敌人开炮。

They fired poisoned arrow at us. 他们朝我们放毒箭。


The lawyer fired questions at the witness. 律师向证人提出一连串的问题。

gaze at 凝视,注视

What are you gazing at? 你在凝视什么?

For hours he sat gazing at the stars. 他好几个小时坐在那里凝望着天上的星星。

get at 到达;(伸手)拿到;理解;查明

I could not get at him for the crowd. 人群很拥挤,我没法走近他。

I cant get at the tool on the shelf. 我够不着搁板上的工具。

The truth is sometimes difficult to get at. 有时*不易搞清。

glance at 看一眼,扫视

The old man glanced at the boy. 那老人看了男孩一眼。

He glanced at her and smiled. 他瞥了她一下,脸上泛起笑容。

aim (…) at 瞄准,针对:

He aimed (his gun) at the target, fired and missed it. 他(用*)瞄准目标开火,却未打中。

When the teacher said that there was a lazy boy in the class, e was aiming at John. 当老师说班上有个不用功的孩子时,他是针对约翰说的。

arrive at 到达(较小地方),达成(协议、结论等)

Soon we arrived at the station. 我们很快就到了车站。

It took a long time to arrive at a conclusion. 花了很长时间才达成一个结论。

call at 拜访(某人的家或某个地方)

I called at Mr James’ this afternoon. 今天下午我到詹姆斯先生家去拜访了他。

Does the steamer call at Naples? 轮船在那不勒斯停靠吗?

glare at 怒视,瞪

They stood glaring at each other. 他俩站在那儿,愤怒地看着对方。

She rose, glaring at the rude waiter. 她站起来瞪着那个无礼的服务员。

guess at 推测,猜测

Can you guess at the height of this tower? 你能猜出这座塔的高度吗?

I’m surprised that he could guess at my age correctly. 我很惊讶他可以正确猜出我的年龄。


knock at / on 敲(门、窗等)

Someone is knocking at the window. 有人在敲窗。


New graates from high schools and colleges start knocking on employers’ doors. 刚从大中学校毕业的学生开始寻找就业门路。

laugh at 嘲笑,觉得……滑稽而笑起来

The children laughed at the clown. 小丑把孩子们逗得咯咯笑。

Don’t laugh at him. He can’t help the way he speaks. 别笑他,他实在改不掉那样的说话方式。

look at 检查;考虑;观察,看待

Your ankle is badly swollen; I think the doctor ought to look at it. 你的脚腕子肿得很厉害,我想得请医生看看了。

The committee wouldn’t even look at my proposal. 委员会对我的提议甚至不予考虑。

The Americans look at life differently from the British. 美国人对生活的看法,与英国人不同。

point (…) at 用手指;对准,将……对准

It’s rude to point at people. 用手指人是不礼貌的。

The customer pointed at the hat he wanted. 顾客指着他要的那顶帽子。

He pointed the gun at her head. 他举*对准了她的头。

Hundreds of camera lenses were being pointed at her. 数百架摄像机正对着她。

shout at 对……大声叫嚷

Don’t shout at me. 别冲着我喊。

He was so angry that he shouted at everyone present. 他很生气,冲着在场的每一个人都大声叫嚷。

stare at 盯着看,凝视

It’s rude to stare at other people. 盯着人看是不礼貌的。

When I told him the news, he stared at me in surprise. 当我告诉他那个消息时,他惊奇地盯着我看。

throw … at 向……掷(扔、投等)

The angry mob began to throw rocks at the speaker. 愤怒的群众朝演讲的人扔石块。

She threw a plate at me, but missed. 她扔过来一个盘子打我,却没有打中。

wonder at 感到惊奇,敬佩

We wondered at the speed with which he worked. 我们佩服他的工作效率。

His strange behavior isn’t to be wondered at. 他的奇特行为不足为怪。

work at 从事,致力于

He is working at a new invention. 他正致力于一项新发明。

He has worked at the topic for many years. 他对这个论题已研究多年

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 17:27

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