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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:52



热心网友 时间:2023-07-31 23:33

The Ron Clark Story (also known as The Triumph in Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, the UK and the Philippines) is a 2006 television film that premiered on TNT on Sunday, August 13, 2006. Based on the real ecator Ron Clark, it centers on the title character, a teacher from a small town, who moves to New York City and tries to make a difference in the lives of his students, despite nobody, including the students themselves, believing in them. The film was sponsored by Johnson & Johnson.

[edit] Plot
The Ron Clark Story follows the inspiring tale of an energetic, creative and idealistic young teacher who leaves his small North Carolina hometown to teach in a New York City public school. Through his passionate use of special rules for his classroom, highly innovative teaching techniques and an undying devotion to his students and helping them cope with their problems, Clark is able to make a remarkable difference in the lives of his students. For one young girl trying to attend school while helping to raise her siblings, he offers a chance for her to overcome her situation and become the top student of the class. For a young man with a penchant for graffiti, he offers an ideal outlet for artistic expression. Even when he is almost overcome by pneumonia, Clark continues to work with his students, hoping that he can raise their test scores to an acceptable level, or possibly even higher. However, when Mr Clark returns, he finds out his class did not deliver the goods but he remains optimistic about their chances. The kids sit in the state exams and a few days later, Mr Clark takes the kids to see the Phantom of Opera. In the end, Principal Turner reveals that Mr Clark's class got the highest average in the state and Mr Clark was regarded by his students as their best teacher in the world.

[edit] Awards and nominations
In December 2006, Matthew Perry, who plays Ron Clark, was nominated for the Best Actor Golden Globe and again at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. In addition to Mr. Perry’s nods, the film was nominated for a Directors Guild of America Award for Director Randa Haines, a WGA Award for Writers Max Enscoe and Annie de Young, and a Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Executive Procers Howard Burkons and Brenda Friend.

On November 30, 2006, the Family Television Awards honored TNT and Ms. Friend and Mr. Burkons for procing the “Best TV Movie/Drama for 2006.” On March 10, 2007, the 28th Annual Young Artists Association honored the film as the “Best Family Television Movie or Special,” and gave Hannah Hodson the award for “Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special (Comedy or Drama) Leading Young Actress."

On March 15, 2007, the film received the prestigious Christopher Award for TV and Cable. Among the filmmakers recognized for their work were Director Randa Haines, Writers Max Enscoe and Annie de Young, and Executive Procers Howard Burkons and Brenda Friend.

In July 2007, it was nominated for three Emmy Awards; Gary M. Zuckerbrod, Lonnie Hamerman, Bonnie Finnegan, Rhonda Fisekci, and Candice Elzinga for Outstanding Casting For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special, Matthew Perry for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or A Movie, and Executive Procers Howard Burkons, Brenda Friend, Adam Gilad, Sunta Izzcupo, Jody Brockway, and Procer Craig McNeill for Outstanding Made For Television Movie.怎么样?

热心网友 时间:2023-07-31 23:33

The Ron Clark Story (also known as The Triumph in Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, the UK and the Philippines) is a 2006 television film that premiered on TNT on Sunday, August 13, 2006. Based on the real ecator Ron Clark, it centers on the title character, a teacher from a small town, who moves to New York City and tries to make a difference in the lives of his students, despite nobody, including the students themselves, believing in them. The film was sponsored by Johnson & Johnson.

剧情 Plot
The Ron Clark Story follows the inspiring tale of an energetic, creative and idealistic young teacher who leaves his small North Carolina hometown to teach in a New York City public school. Through his passionate use of special rules for his classroom, highly innovative teaching techniques and an undying devotion to his students and helping them cope with their problems, Clark is able to make a remarkable difference in the lives of his students. For one young girl trying to attend school while helping to raise her siblings, he offers a chance for her to overcome her situation and become the top student of the class. For a young man with a penchant for graffiti, he offers an ideal outlet for artistic expression. Even when he is almost overcome by pneumonia, Clark continues to work with his students, hoping that he can raise their test scores to an acceptable level, or possibly even higher. However, when Mr Clark returns, he finds out his class did not deliver the goods but he remains optimistic about their chances. The kids sit in the state exams and a few days later, Mr Clark takes the kids to see the Phantom of Opera. In the end, Principal Turner reveals that Mr Clark's class got the highest average in the state and Mr Clark was regarded by his students as their best teacher in the world.

Awards and nominations
In December 2006, Matthew Perry, who plays Ron Clark, was nominated for the Best Actor Golden Globe and again at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. In addition to Mr. Perry’s nods, the film was nominated for a Directors Guild of America Award for Director Randa Haines, a WGA Award for Writers Max Enscoe and Annie de Young, and a Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Executive Procers Howard Burkons and Brenda Friend.

On November 30, 2006, the Family Television Awards honored TNT and Ms. Friend and Mr. Burkons for procing the “Best TV Movie/Drama for 2006.” On March 10, 2007, the 28th Annual Young Artists Association honored the film as the “Best Family Television Movie or Special,” and gave Hannah Hodson the award for “Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special (Comedy or Drama) Leading Young Actress."

On March 15, 2007, the film received the prestigious Christopher Award for TV and Cable. Among the filmmakers recognized for their work were Director Randa Haines, Writers Max Enscoe and Annie de Young, and Executive Procers Howard Burkons and Brenda Friend.

In July 2007, it was nominated for three Emmy Awards; Gary M. Zuckerbrod, Lonnie Hamerman, Bonnie Finnegan, Rhonda Fisekci, and Candice Elzinga for Outstanding Casting For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special, Matthew Perry for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Miniseries Or A Movie, and Executive Procers Howard Burkons, Brenda Friend, Adam Gilad, Sunta Izzcupo, Jody Brockway, and Procer Craig McNeill for Outstanding Made For Television Movie.
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