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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:50



热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 09:03

4. 手工雕刻头像:票面正面主景*头像,采用手工雕刻凹版印刷工艺,形象*真、传神,凹凸感强,易于识别。

7. 光变油墨面额数字:票面正面左下方“100”字样,与票面垂直角度观察为绿色,倾斜一定角度则变为蓝色。

1 fixes the figure watermark: Be located in the face value facade on the left side blank space place , to go to meet up perspective, It can be seen that the body feels the very strong Mao Zedong head portrait watermark as betokening scenery figure.

2 red , blue colour fibre: Get along in the face value blank space , may fibre having red and blue in seeing paper.

3 tiny magnetism characters safety lines: The hit the target safety line, welcomes bank paper up observation, visible tiny "RMB100" characters.

4. Carve a head portrait by hand: Face value facade host scenery Mao Zedong head portrait, adopt by hand to carve embossing handicraft , the image vividly , vivid , concave-convex feeling strong , distinguishes easily.

5 invisible denomination figures: Face value has one ellipse pattern facade up-right part , a bank note is put in approaching location of equal rank with the eye, face an illuminant doing the flat surface rotate be OK to see denomination "10 O " models of written characters 45 degree or 90 degree piece.

6 glues are micro characters: Much place seal has offset printing micro characters , may see "RMB" and the "RMB10O" model of written characters under magnifying glass in directly superjacent face value ellipse pattern.

7. Be changed into the printing ink denomination figure only: "100" models of written characters of face value facade bottom-left, observe with face value perpendicularity angle for green, the certain angle of incline becomes blue then.

8 Yin and Yang complementation to that print pattern: Facade bottom-left and the back down-right part, face value has one circular part pattern , equally to go to meet up observation, be plicating each other combining to constitute a able entire ancient money pattern with the back towards pattern.

9 carve embossing: Face value betokens the scenery Mao Zedong head portrait directly , People's Bank of China does a name , braille and the back host scenery Great Hall of the People etc. adopts without exception to carve concave-convex feeling.
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