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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-21 12:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:51

マトリョシカ(俄罗斯套娃)的英文歌词 00:17开始
Oh-so-much i've pondered this message
Maybe it'll reach someone who can say for sure?
Surely i can say i've always been this way,
Patched together,crazed.a matrgoshka
My headache sings it out as this package
Much as time may pass,still the hands will stay at 4
Don't you tell a living soul about this,babe
Look in like the world is gonna turn upon its head
Ah,i could break apart.Better to toss our memries out right now
Ah,i want to know,down to the deep down
If you would,let's dance it more and more
Just play on the chord
What's this feeling,waht should i do
Can't you tell me?Just a little me and you?
Heard you clearly 524
Just hit the keyboord
Everything's worth laughing at,i say
Hurry,fool,it's time to dance the night away
Clap your hands not so childish at all
Purpose fly insane we are sure to have a ball
Surely i just couldn't care for either way
All the world's warmth is melting right away
Walking with a crooked galt,on 1212(01:33)
Ah i could burst now make sure you're ready to catch all that you see
Ah put both hands out,babe,catch me for me
Um babe......
Listen something's got my interest plqued
Babe just pinch my cheek
I can't keep a hold on my will
Should......we do something more fantastic still?
Pain and hurt but no don't you cry
Clap till your hands dry
Walt you say,just walt,and walt more
Fore we drop us all the way down to the core
What you say that you and me we rendezvous?
Have a rendezvous?
Or perhaps advevture's right for me and you?
Walking with a crooked galt,on 1212
Got a sickness,babe?
Sing it all away
And i'm still,today......
Patched together,crazy.A matryoshka
If you would,let's dance it more and more
Just play on the chord
What's this felling?waht should i do?
Can't you tell me?Just a little me and you?
Heard you clearly 524
Just hit the keyboord
Everything's worth laughing at,i say
Hurry up,and go dance yourself away!
Smoochy smoochy lalula......
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