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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-30 02:39



热心网友 时间:2023-01-30 04:08



  By official estimates, China has 840,000 people carrying HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and about 80,000 AIDS patients.

  Despite the fairly large groups of HIV carriers and AIDS patients, the epidemic is mostly confined to high-risk groups, such as drug users, prostitutes and users of blood procts. And it has yet to spread widely in the rest of the nation.

  The Chinese Government is well aware of such perspectives, and the central and local governments have allocated 6.8 billion yuan (US$822 billion) to establish and improve disease prevention and control mechanisms in provinces. Each year a special fund of more than 200 million yuan (US$24 million) is channeled into HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment.

  Since April, free medicine to poor AIDS patients has been delivered in regions hit hardest by the virus.

  Just as the impacts of AIDS reaches social and economic fields of society, effective prevention also requires united efforts from virtually all sectors.

  Key factors needed include public ecation, affordable drugs, medical training for healthcare workers in hospitals and the public health system, monitoring and evaluation, care for orphans, measures to stop mother-to-child transmission, a comprehensive care framework and research into vaccines and a cure.

  None of these things can be achieved with the single hand of any institution — not health officials, not medical workers or the government.

  The fight against HIV/AIDS requires the participation of as many parties as possible.

  As former US President Bill Clinton said as a co-chair of the advisory board of International AIDS Trust, the AIDS problem is “manageable and preventable” though we must wage it on all fronts with tenuous determination, utmost patience and tactful skills.











  AIDS is a threat to every family, everyone, so the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. For every family, everyone's health, happiness, how should we prevent AIDS?

  1, popularize the knowledge of AIDS, and make people understand its cause and way of transmission.

  2, avoid unclean sexual intercourse, especially to avoid sexual contact with AIDS.

  3, to the blood donors to carry out HIV examination, antibody positive people prohibit blood supply.

  4. Not sharing needles and syringes and toothbrushes that can be contaminated by blood.

  5. Women with AIDS infection are prohibited from pregnancy.

  6, strengthen the frontier quarantine and prevent the introction of AIDS.

  Join the AIDS prevention team quickly. In order to make the world smile forever, the family is no longer hit by a heavy blow... Take action to prevent AIDS! Let the world no longer cry, so that AIDS will disappear forever.










  On the first day of December is World AIDS Day. Have you noted that the theme for this year's World AIDS DAY is"Getting to Zero", Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and zero AIDS relates deaths.

  Today , despite advances in HIV treatment and in laws designed to protect those living with HIV , many people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others from HIV. And today I ' d like to give you a speech of "how to prevent AIDS"

  In today's world, A million more are infected Worldwide, forty million, sixty million, or a hundred million infections will be counted in the coming few years. This is not a distant threat. It is a present danger. The rate of infection is increasing fastest among women and children. Largely unknown a decade ago, AIDS is the third leading killing of young alt today.

  Most of you may think that AIDS doesn't affect you. But if you do not know someone infected with HIV, chances are that you will soon get AIDS. Aids can affected anyone: male or female, married or single, young or old, rich or poor, in any community in the country, including smaller cities and towns. This makes AIDS a problem for all of us.

  To prevent the spread of AIDS, you first priority should be protected from HIV infections. Understanding the disease, learn and practice the safer behaviors, this will help you to lead a healthy life.

  So what you can do now?

  1. First, Learn basic facts how you can and can not become infected with HIV.

  HIV can be transmitted in three main ways: sexual transmission: transmission through blood: and mother to child transmission. These three routes of transmission work in tandem to affect segments of the population. Knowing the facts can help you protect yourself and rece fears about contracting HIV through usual contact.

  2. Second, Assess your personal risk for HIV infection. Evaluate any current and past sexual and drug- using behaviors. Correct use quality condom not only may the contraception, but may also rece the infection AIDS. Each time the sexual intercourse should the entire journey use.

  3. Be ware of the risks of sharing needles and other drug equipment. If you use drugs, enroll in the treatment program. Try to quit, If you cannot stop right away, do not share needles or syringes with anyone.

  Y es, AIDS is still incurable, but it no longer has to be a death sentence. I hope everyone learn more about AIDS, Let's imagine a generation that will be free of AIDS.












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